另外,对于结构型变量,save只能保存结构型标量,而不能保存结构型变量数组。 Formore flexibility in creating ASCII files, use 'dlmwrite' or 'fprintf'. (Matlab 2011a) (8) 写:dlmwrite Write matrix to ASCII-delimited file 低级命令 这些命令和C语言里对文件的读写函数非常类似。操作过程一般包括:打开文件;读...
Example 1: Using DLMREAD to read in a file with headers, text, and numeric data % This reads in the file 'sample_file2.txt' and creates a matrix, D, % with the numeric data this command specifies a white space as the % delimiter of the file D = dlmread('sample_file.txt','') ...
fprintf – Write data to text file Syntax fprintf(fileID, format, A, ...) fprintf(format, A, ...) count = fprintf(...) 参数: fileID One of the following: An integer file identifier obtained from fopen. 1 for standard output (the screen). 2 for standard error. Default:1 (the sc...
matrix=input_mattrix %input_matrix为待输出矩阵 [m,n]=size(matrix); for i=1:1:m for j=1:1:n if j==n fprintf(fid,'%g\n',matrix(i,j)); else fprintf(fid,'%g\t',matrix(i,j)); end end end fclose(fid); ××× 下面附了具体的matlab的fopen和fprintf函数具体解释,当然help一下是...
fprintf(fid, format, x, y, ...); format:%-12.5e 12宽度 5精度练习:将sin(x)值写入文件 Matlab生成x和y 打开一个文件 将x和y写入文件 关闭文件 %% File Write in Formatted IO x = linspace(0, pi, 10); y = sin(x); fid = fopen('sinx.txt', 'w'); % pointer for i = 1: 10 fp...
function write_infile( filename,source_matrix )%TEST Summary of this function goes here% write matrix to filefid=fopen(filename,'a');[x,y]=size(source_matrix);for i=1:x for j=1:y-1 fprintf(fid,'%f\t',source_matrix(i,j)); end fprintf(fid,'%f\n',source_matrix(i,y));%每一...
创始: MATLAB(Matrix Laboratory 的缩写)最初是在1970年代末由 Cleve Moler 开发的,他当时是新墨西哥大学的计算机科学教授。Moler 开发 MATLAB 主要是为了让他的学生们更容易地访问 LINPACK 和 EISPACK 项目而不必学习Fortran语言,这两个项目都是进行矩阵计算的数学软件包。它迅速在应用数学和工程领域中变得流行起来。
%Storage matrix word from image word=[ ]; re=imagen; %Opens text.txt as file for write fid = fopen('text.txt', 'wt'); % Load templates load templates global templates % Compute the number of letters in template file num_letras=size(templates,2); ...
Place this function in your code and display the outputs U and V.**Compare the output matrix U with the matrix P: write a set of commands that would checkon the following case:P and U have either the same columns or the columns match up to a scalar (-1), wherethe order of the ...
1)writebinaryfiles Thefwritefunctionwritestheelementsinthematrixtothe fileinaccordancewiththespecifieddataaccuracy.Itscall formatis: COUNT=fwrite(FID,A,precision) Note:theCOUNTdatawrittenbyanumberofelements(default), FIDfilehandle,Aisusedtostorethedatawrittentothefile, ...