function...%POW2 Base 2 power and scale floating point number% X = POW2(Y) for each element of Y is 2 raised to the power Y.%% X = POW2(F,E) for each element of the real array F and a integer% array E computes X = F .* (2 .^ E). The result is computed ...end 注...
functionappropriate_element_to_return = hw4_problem3(w, n) array_being_indexed = w; value_to_compare_to = n; found_it_at_location = nan; forindex_of_array = numel(w):-1:1 ifarray_being_indexed(index_of_array) >= value_to_compare_to ...
Brandon2014 年 9 月 21 日 0 リンク 翻訳 編集済み:Rick Rosson2014 年 9 月 21 日 Hello, I have this problem as a practice question for a class. I am new to MATLAB, and I have no idea how to even start, can someone please help me? thanks ...
How to return an output argument from a MATLAB function. How to read multiple outputs from a function. What to do when the MATLAB function does not return an output argument. Get Help for MATLAB Functions from Python From Python, you can access supporting documentation for all MATLAB functions...
Immediately obvious: The first helpFun helps fun1, the second fun2 –and does nothing else. Variable and function names 🚿🚿🚿 One key ingredient for a consistent source code is a consistent naming scheme for the variables in use. From the dawn of programming languages in the 1950s, ...
Double-click theMATLAB Functionblock to open theMATLAB Function Block Editor, where you write the MATLAB function. You can also define variables, add an input trigger, and create function call outputs by using the Model Explorer or theSymbolspane. For more information, seeCreate and Define MATLAB...
Note that an if/else clause will be of little value for this purpose. But I suppose you can do anything you want, if you really, desperately need to use if/else. 댓글 수: 0 태그 slopes Community Treasure Hunt Find the treasures in MATLAB Central and discover how the community...
[data,text,raw,index]=xlsread('myexample.xlsx',1,'','',@setMinMax);function[data,index]=setMinMax(data)minval=-1;maxval=1;index=[];fori=1:data.Count v=data.Value{i};ifv>maxval data.Value{i}=maxval;index=[index i];elseif v<minval ...
The MATLAB help provides on-line examples for all its built-in functions and programming language commands. You can get Matlab help just typing 'help function' on your command window. You'll see fast-helpful examples. Input-Output MATLAB supports interactive computation, taking the input from the...
Using subplot, have your script create a 2x2 grid of plots (with titles) for these eqns: A=sin(x) B=cos(x) C=cotan(x) D=tan(x) Once you have created a script, create a function file to requires each eqn and the vector as input. Ha...