doc 装入超文本说明 what M、MAT、MEX文件的目录列表 type 列出M文件 lookfor 通过help条目搜索关键字 which 定位函数和文件 Demo 运行演示程序 Path 控制MATLAB的搜索路径 管理变量和工作空间 Who 列出当前变量 Whos 列出当前变量(长表) Load 从磁盘文件中恢复变量 Save 保存工作空间变量 Clear 从内存中清除变量和...
isglobal 若是全局变量则为真ishandle 若是图形句柄则为真ishold 若当前图形处于保留状态则为真isieee 若计算机执行IEEE规则则为真isinf 若是无穷数据则为真isletter 若是英文字母则为真islogical 若是逻辑数组则为真ismember 检查是否属于指定集isnan 若是非数则为真isnumeric 若是数值数组则为真isobject 若是对象...
gca 获得当前轴句柄 gcbo 获得正执行"回调"的对象句柄 gcf 获得当前图对象句柄 gco 获得当前对象句柄 geomean 几何平均值 get 获知对象属性 getfield 获知构架数组的域 getframe 获取影片的帧画面 ginput 从图形窗获取数据 global 定义全局变量 gplot 依图论法则画图 ...
ishandle 若是图形句柄则为真 ishold 若当前图形处于保留状态则为真 isieee 若计算机执行IEEE规则则为真 isinf 若是无穷数据则为真 isletter 若是英文字母则为真 islogical 若是逻辑数组则为真 ismember 检查是否属于指定集 isnan 若是非数则为真 isnumeric 若是数值数组则为真 isobject 若是对象则为真 isprime...
ax = gca; tb = ax.Toolbar Calling axtoolbarbtn on ax results in an error: >> axtoolbarbtn(tb,"state") Error using axtoolbarbtn (line 77) Modifying the default axes toolbar is not supported. Default Axes Toolbar Can't Be Distinguished from an Empty Toolbar The Children property of...
Following is for the case which is same as the first example except NFrame (SFN). I guess you would see the difference.If you have LteToolbox, Try enb.NFrame = 1,2,3 and see what you get ? Are they all the same ? or different ?
Share your ideas, suggestions, and wishlists for improving MATLAB. What would make this software absolutely perfect for you? Discuss with other community users. Note that while MathWorks staff might participate in some discussions, this is n
PCA-GCA can be used to extract common and distinctive components (or latent variables) from blocks of multivariate data. As the name suggests, it is a combination of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis (GCA). The method can be used on data blocks ...
matlab绘制图形中,常用函数调用(num2str,disp,gcf,hold on,plot,axis,subplot,line,stairs,grid,set,gca),程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
subplot(m,n,p)可以在一个figure中画m×n个子图,p可以指定子图的位置,一般情况下p为单个数字,p为向量时可以合并多个子图为一个子图。 axis axis off;% 去掉坐标轴 axistight;% 紧坐标轴 axisequal;% 等比坐标轴 axis([-0.1, 8.1, -1.1, 1.1]);% 坐标轴的显示范围 % gca: gca, h=figure...php...