Communications Toolbox Support Package for USRP®Embedded Series Radio enables you to useMATLABandSimulinkto prototype, verify, and test practical wireless systems. Using this support package with a USRP®E310 SDR, you can work with live RF signals using dual (2x2) transmit and receive streams...
However, when the following function, reaches executing stage, the code stop and the reason is that the function capture is not found. Hence, R2019b version or updated R2019a version does not completely execute the LTE transmit and receive code using the radio. The problem is not setup the...
WiLab/sdruOFDM - OFDM implemented in MATLAB for USRP radios with MAC Layer urbste/MLPnP_matlab - MLPnP - A maximum likelihood solution to the Perspective-N-Point problem tytell/neuromech - Neuromechanics Matlab scripts troyhaskin/MatlabToolbox - Collection of Matlab scripts developed as needed/wan...
I'm using N1 210 rev 4 usrp radio and I want to use it in Matlab environment. My problem is the following. If I type "findsdru" in Matlab command line, then I get the following result. --- begin libuhd error message output --- Device discovery error: input stream...
WiLab/sdruOFDM - OFDM implemented in MATLAB for USRP radios with MAC Layer urbste/MLPnP_matlab - MLPnP - A maximum likelihood solution to the Perspective-N-Point problem tytell/neuromech - Neuromechanics Matlab scripts troyhaskin/MatlabToolbox - Collection of Matlab scripts developed as needed/wan...