一般原因是名为"***"的函数未在path下找到,可以在matlab环境下通过: which*** 确认下,解决方法是将该函数所在的路径添加到path下即可. Ref:undefined function name for input arguments of type double
这句警告,Undefined function 'int' for input arguments of type 'double'. 的意思是积分函数的变量类型未定义为“双”输入参数。错误的原因,是 ya=int(x.^3); 的代码上一句有问题,不能重新把x定义为数组变量,积分只能对变量积分,而不能对数值积分。其他主要错误,①y=[0,x]的个数与x的...
这句说明你的代码里出现了一个你自己定义的函数“fuction”,但输入变量是“char”就是说未定义输入变量 Error: Function definitions are not permitted in this context.---这一句是说:定义函数是不允许这样的!
ODEs. I've already verified that all my scripts are in the directory specifed by 'pwd' [which seems to be a remedy for the 'undefined function'], but still get the undefined function '...' for input arguments of type 'double' error and the function error...
Undefined function for input arguments of type... Learn more about app designer, function, for loop, gui, matlab gui, error, data acquisition MATLAB
matlab (arguments)参数排错 简介 ??? Undefined function or method 'Tsm' for input arguments of type 'double'.Error in ==> extraction at 31 if Tsm(i)>a/2错误提示 工具/原料 MATLAB 方法/步骤 1 第一步:定位错误,可以看出,可能回去两类错误。第一种是参数A的类型不...
"Undefined function for input arguments of type 'char'" One of the possible reason for such error is if your file name contain white spaces. Eg: window one.m is not valid instead window_one.m is valid. This can be found be commenting all your routine and just empty file. Still error...
因为你没有安装Control System Tuner这个工具包。我是对的。