matlab的int16和uint16不能互为转换。如:array=2^16; %array = 65536 uintArray = uint16(array)uintArray = 65535 int16(uintArray)ans = 32767 并没有转换为65536
intmax('uint8')) str = 'The range for uint16 is:\n\t%d to %d '; sprintf(str, intmin('uint16'), intmax('uint16')) str = 'The range for uint32 is:\n\t%d to %d '; sprintf(str, intmin('uint32'), intmax('uint32')) str = 'The range for uint64 is:\n\t%d to %d...
to = to - 1; end val = typecast(uint32(hex2dec(tmp)),'single'); end 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 5、 switch case的使用。没有冒号。没有break,用otherwise switch msg_id case 12 if int16(crc(A,1,165)) == get_crc(A) ...
Y = int16(X) Description Y = int16(X)converts the values inXto typeint16. Values outside the range [-215,215-1] map to the nearest endpoint. example Input Arguments expand all X—Input array scalar|vector|matrix|multidimensional array ...
数值型的数据包括有符号和无符号的整数(int)、单精度(single)和双精度(double)浮点数(float); 其中整数类型比较好解释,直接看下表: 也许看到这么多的数据类型,你突然会想问,我没有去特意去定义数据的类型,这数据又会是怎样的类型呢?其实,MATLAB存储数值数据的默认类型是双精度浮点数,若要存储为整数类型的数据则...
so i have to compute the fourier tranform of a signal but i got this error "Error using fft Invalid data type. First argument must be double, single, int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, or logical." here is my code ...