在Estimate选择Transfer Function Models,然后设置合适的零点极点。电机模型一般零点为1极点为2。 由于我们的转速的编码器采集的离散数据,所以我们需要将默认的连续性数据选项改为Discrete-time (Ts = 0.0x)(由于后面仿真的时候节点选的都是连续型,这里也就先按连续型做系统辨识,为了尽量保证准确性等我开学回实验室再...
Continuous-time transfer function. >> G = 16*(19*s+1)*(0.44*s+1)/((0.625*s+1)*(0.676*s-1)*(43.5*s-1)*(0.033*s+1)*(0.0004*s^2+0.015*s+1)) G = 133.8 s^2 + 311 s + 16 --- 0.0002426 s^6 + 0.01647 s^5 + 0.8832 s^4 + 18.43 s^3 - 0.2936 s^2 - 43.5 s +...
0.5);>>set(SYS,'inputname','step','outputname','velocity')>> SYSSYS =From input"step"to output"velocity":5s +3exp(-0.5*s) * ---s^3+6s^2+11s +4Continuous-time transfer function.>>get(SYS)Numerator: {[0053]}Denominator: {[16114]}Variable:'s'IODelay:0InputDelay:0.5000OutputDelay...
Finally, we present a method of designing a minimum-phase FIR digital filter that leads to a transfer function with smaller group delay than that of a linear-phase equivalent. The minimum-phase FIR digital filter is thus attractive in applications where the linear-phase requirement is not an ...
It is noted that attenuation and time delay of j the j th path are functions of time. Observing ( 1.1) and noting that the input is the eigenfunction for the typical value of f 0 , the value of the transfer function of the multi-pa hannel at f 0 is ob ned as follows: j DJ X...
方程Transfer FcnTransfer Fcn传递函数传递函数 Transfer DelayTransfer Delay传输延时传输延时 Transfer FcnTransfer Fcn可变传输延时可变传输延时安庆师范学院物理与电气工程学院四、离散系统模块库四、离散系统模块库DiscreteDiscreteZero-Order HoldZero-Order Hold零阶保持器零阶保持器, ,保持保持sample time sample time ...
function [model,controller]=ReactionCurve(t,y,u) % REACTIONCURVE Process Reaction Curve approach to approximate high-order % systems by a first-order-plus-timedelay model using step % response data. This model can be used to design a PID ...
自组织映射 (完整 word 版)Matlab 的神经网络工具箱入门 timedelaynet — Time—delay neural network。 时间延迟神经网络 Using networks. 网络使用 network - Create a custom neural network. 创建一个定制的神经网络 sim - Simulate a neural network. 模拟神经网络 init - Initialize a neural network。 初始...
Manual tuning methods such as using the open loop transfer function, rely on your knowledge of control theory. This approach tends to be iterative and time-consuming, and if used on hardware, can risk damage. Rule-based approaches are also manual, but instead use the work of people with pro...
Using a PC with an Intel core 2 duo CPU running at 2.19 GHz with 1 Go de RAM, the simulation time was 4 s. This model has also been tested with a load constituted of an inverter and an induction machine. The results of this test have validated operations for discontinuous conduction mo...