Save format:数据的保存格式,包括Timeseries、Array类型格式 Decimation:每隔多少个仿真采样点保存一次数据。默认为1,表示每个仿真采 样点都保存。 Sample time:设置模块的采样时间。 To File模块不仅可以保存一维信号到mat文件中,也能够保存 Bus信号。 使用Sine wave,Constant 和 Bus Creator等模块建立如图的模型,并按...
I now change some things and get the information I want though a normal output port, but it would still be helpful to be able to convert timeseries to array or tables. Is this possible in general? Sign in to comment. Sign in to answer this question. ...
输出的数据保存为untitled.mat文件,变量名称为ans,保存格式为Timeseries,每个采样点都记录一次数据,采样时间继承输入模块的采样时间。 Step3:创建示例我们用之前讲过的Repeating Sequence模块(具体设置参考这篇文章:每天一个MATLAB小技巧(5))来输出一个正弦波形,然后用To File模块将输出的信号数据保存为对应的MAT文件。
这个视频把save to file的time格式为timeseries,data格式为array 虽然CSV文件是excel样式的,但是写字板打开还是个带,的txt 示波器 load to data,然后time structure 直接复制矩阵中的整列,然后放到excel里,然后另存为csv即可
array(1,1,j,:)=DF; end : Conversion to double from timeseries is not possible. Error in rel (line 10) s(j,:)=DF; 0 Comments Sign in to comment. Accepted Answer Birdmanon 2 Mar 2018 8 Link I assume you are saving data from your simulation by usingTo Workspaceblock. I suggest ...
方法2:通过To Workspace模块 simout这个变量会直接保存在变量区,对于simout这个变量有4种格式 “Timeseries”(默认值) 将信号另存为 MATLAB timeseries 对象的结构体 调用方法: plot(simout.Time,simout.Data) “Array” 就一个输出的数组,类似yout,没有时间信息 ...
Now take the inverse FFT to get back to the time-domain and scale your result. This will give you a much better estimate of displacement. 说到底就是频域积分要比时域积分效果更好,实际测试也发现如此。原因可能是时域积分时积分一次就要去趋势,去趋势就会降低信...
1.1、to workspace模块 以下是其详细参数介绍: 可以设置变量名称、数据点限制、数据的抽取间隔,还可以选择数据类型,支持timeseries、array或者结构体数据。下面介绍一个简单的例子,将正弦函数输出到MATLAB的工作空间: 程序运行完成之后才会在工作空间创建变量:
I have a data set of type TimeTable in matlab and I need to use the data from the timetable as inputs for a simulink block. If there are any simple approaches to this please let me know, below is my approach. The end goal for my approach is a 2 row matrix- row 1 contain...
I want to create a timeseries from the data I have recorded from some sensors. Data is in the form of table with several columns. One particular column as array of values. For example: Data1 Data2 Data3 1.2 1.5 0.45, 0.345, 0.73 ...