matlab 中出现The closed-loop system is;>> dc=[0.02 0.3 1 0];>> G0=tf(nc,dc);>> [gm,pm,wcp,wcg]=margin(G0);Warning: The closed-loop system is unstable.多谢 金翅威鹏 2012-06-28 21:40 | 浏览26 次 可选中1个或多个下面的关键词,搜索相关资料。也可直接点“搜索资料...
Warning: The closed-loop system is unstable. > In ctrlMsgUtils.warning (line 25) In DynamicSystem/margin (line 65) Gm = Inf 0 Comments Sign in to comment. Sign in to answer this question.Answers (2) Walter Roberson on 13 Nov 2019 Vote 0 Link There is no constant term in ...
Warning: The closed-loop system is unstable. kg = 0.1500 r =-40.4367 运算得出的波特图: 图2-1校正前系统的波特图 由图可以看出幅值裕度h(h=20lgkg)和相角裕度γ小于零,且γ负值较大,因此该系统不稳定,需要串联一个滞后校正环节进行校正,使系统趋于稳定。 3 3.1 在系统前向通路中插入一相位滞后校正,确...
1 概述 线性时不变系统线性时变系统离散系统 经典 现代 自动控制系统 线性系统 连续系统 非线性系统 2 Matlab与系统仿真 经典分析法:传递函数 U(s)G(s)Y(s)比较 现代分析法:状态空间 512xxu315y[12]x4u 框图 Matlab...
答:作出bode图命令如下:>> bode(H3)Bode图如下:标定出如下:从上可以看出:幅值裕度为:4.95dB相位裕度为:-19°使用margin函数直接可求取得(l为幅值裕度,f为相位裕度):>> l,f = margin(H3)Warning: The closed-loop system is unstable. > In warning at 26 In DynamicSystem.margin 7、at 63 l = ...
s 3 11s 2 10s s( 10 s )( 1 s ) (2-2 )(2)由于开环增益 K=100,在 MATLAB中输入以下命令: G=tf(1000,[1,11,10,0]); [kg,r]=margin(G); [mag,phase,w]=bode(G); % 绘制 G的幅频特性和相频特性曲线 margin(G) matlab 得出如下结果: Warning: The closed-loop system is unstable...
Open loop stability: Bode - Pole zero plot... Learn more about stability, bode plot, pole zero plot, phase margin Control System Toolbox
Warning: The closed-loop system is unstable. Gm =1 Pm =0 Wcg =0 Wcp =0 [Gm,Pm,Wcg,Wcp]=margin(G2) Gm =0.2000 Pm =78.4630 Wcg =0 Wcp = 4.8990 Nyquist判据: 系统是稳定的。 (10) num1=[0 0 1]; den1=conv([0 1 0],[0 1 1]); G1=tf(num1,den1); num2=[0 0 5]; ...
Warning: The closed-loop system is unstable. In ctrlMsgUtils.warning (line 25) In DynamicSystem/margin (line 65) Gm = Inf Pm = -138.6380 Wcq = NaN Wcp = 0.6913 (b)输入命令: >>num=[1]; den=conv([1,0],[1,1]); G1=tf(num,den); G2=tf(1,1); G3=series(G1,G2); G=...
>>bode(tf(num,den));grid;[gm,pm,pf,gf]=margin(num,den) Warning: The closed-loop system is unstable. > In warning at 26 In lti.margin at 66 In margin at 98 gm = 0.3000 pm = -28.0814 pf = 1.4142 gf = 19 2.4253 -100 loo 50...