S=sum(..., MISSING) specifies how NaN (Not-A-Number)valuesaretreated. Thedefaultis'includenan':'includenan'-the sumofa vector containing NaNvaluesisalso NaN.'omitnan'-the sumofa vector containing NaNvaluesisthe sumofallits non-NaN elements. IfallelementsareNaN, theresultis0.Examples: If X...
% % Outputs: % [1] fc : center frequency % [2] bw : bandwidth % [3] level : level index % [4] acc : classificaiton accuracy % [5] accMatrix : all values in an accugram % % References: % [1] Zhiliang Liu, Yaqiang Jin, Ming J. Zuo, and Dandan Peng. ACCUGRAM: a ...
isvector()、ismatrix() 判断是否为向量、矩阵 isempty(x)、isscalar() 判断是否为空向量、单个数值 A = [1]; U = repmat(A, 2, 3); % 结果 U = [1 1 1 1 1 1] repmat(A, 1, 2) % [1, 1] repmat(A, 2, 1) % [1; 1] 向量/矩阵初始化与生成 直接输入法:将矩阵的元素用中括...
I am trying to add values in a matrix that each is identified as I(x,y). What I need to do is to sum some columns and put them into a new matrix. For example, I want to add I(x1,y1)+I(x1,y2)+I(x1,y3) and put it in first column first row of the new matrix. Then ...
The type ofmatrixshould be a valid MATLAB matrix or multidimensional array. For example, let’s find the sum of all the elements present in a given matrix. See the code below. m=[261;171918];sumOfElements=sum(sum(m)) In the code above, we initialize the matrixmwith values. This matr...
error1 = sum((T_sim1' == T_train)) / M * 100 ;error2 = sum((T_sim2' == T_test )) / N * 100 ;figureplot(1: trees, oobError(net), 'b-', 'LineWidth', 1)legend('误差曲线')xlabel('决策树数目')ylabel('误差')xlim([1, trees])gridfigurebar(importance)legend('重要性')...
You can ignoreNaNvalues in the cumulative sum calculation using the'omitnan'option. B = cumsum(A,'omitnan') B =(aa+ba+b+1a+b+1a+b+3) Input Arguments collapse all A—Input array symbolic vector|symbolic matrix|symbolic multidimensional array ...
clc, clear al, close all X=xlsread('dataTableA2.xlsx'); Vars = X(:,7:12); % 绘制变量间相关性关联图 figure plotmatrix(Vars) % 绘制变量间相关性强度图 covmat = corrcoef(Vars); figure imagesc(covmat); grid; colorbar; 1.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 function[Acov]= cov_func(AA, desc) %cov_func(): 协方差计算 %INPUT: % AA: data matrix % desc: 'sample':样本协方差/'total':总体协方差 %OUTPUT: % Acov: 协方差矩阵 [Adim, Anum]=size(AA); ...