string into a decimal number Hex2num sixteen hexadecimal string into IEEE float Int2str integer into a string The lower string is converted to lowercase The num2str number is converted to a string Setstr string ASCII Sprintf format for digital control, converted into a string Sscanf format control ...
reversedString = fliplr(binaryString); Step 2: Reverse the binary string output = bin2dec(reversedString); Step 3: Convert reversed string to decimal number end 该函数将接受一个十进制数作为输入,并返回其二进制逆序的十进制表示。例如,binaryReverse(6)将返回3。 现在,我们可以通过调用该函数来测试我们...
bin2dec Convert binary number string to decimal numberbinary Set FTP transfer type to binarybitand Bitwise ANDbitcmp Bitwise complementbitget Bit at specified positionbitmax Maximum double-precision floating-point integerbitor Bitwise ORbitset Set bit at specified positionbitshift Shift bits specified number...
function h = dec2hex(d,n)%DEC2HEX Convert decimal integer to hexadecimal string.% DEC2HEX(D) returns a 2-D string array where each row is the% hexadecimal representation of each decimal integer in D.% D must contain non-negative integers smaller than 2^52.%% DEC2HEX...
num2str-Convertnumberstocharacterrepresentation num2ruler-Convertnumericarraytoruler-appropriatearraydatatype enum2val-Convertsanenumeratedstringtoitsnumericalequivalent. num2cell-Convertnumericcodistributedarrayintocellarray num2str-overloadedforgpuArrays num2mstr-Convertnumbertostringinmaximumprecision. ...
(string)将字符串作为命令执行 findstr(s1,s2)搜索字符串 ischar(s)判断是否字符串 isletter(s)判断是否字母 lower(s)转换小写 upper(s)转换大写 strcmp(s1,s2)比较字符串是否相同 strncmp(s1,s2,n)比较字符串中的前n个字符是否相同 strrep(s1,s2,s3)将s1中的字符s2替换为s3 ...
Length(str) is expressed as the length of the string [the length includes the space bar] 2.矩阵 Matrix 可用A=[1 2 3;4 5 2;3 2 7]举例 Available A=[1 2 3;4 5 2;3 2 7] example B=A’表示矩阵行列将互相变换 B=A’ matrix rows and columns will be transformed into each other ...
matlab提供了一个系统函数dec2bin,可以用来进行十进制数的二进制转换,不过功能有限!在matlab中键入 help dec2bin,如下:DEC2BIN Convert decimal integer to a binary string.DEC2BIN(D) returns the binary representation of D as a string.D must be a non-negative integer smaller than 2^52.D...
a decimal point, a leading + or - sign, an 'e' or 'd' preceding a power of 10 scale factor, and an 'i' or 'j' for a complex unit. If the string S does not represent a valid number or matrix, STR2NUM(S) returns the empty matrix. [X,OK]=STR2NUM(S) will ...
s = index_to_string(d, begin, num_digits);%---function d = base27dec(s)% BASE27DEC(S) returns the decimal of string S which represents a number in% base 27, expressed as 'A'..'Z', 'AA','AB'...'AZ', and so on. Note, there is% no zero so strictly we have hybrid bas...