This function finds the percent overshoot (OS), settling time (ts), rise time (tr) and time to peak (tp) for a step response. This function is primarily intended to analyze measured data but can also be used on simulation results. This function is similar to the stepinfo function but ...
5暂态响应性能指标在阶跃响应曲线窗口,使用右键弹出浮动菜单,选择其中的Characteristics子菜单,有4个子项:Peak Response 峰值响应,点击将出现标峰值记点,单击此标记点可获得峰值幅值,超调量和峰值时间。Settling Time 调节时间,点击将出现调节时间标记点,单击此标记点即可获得调节时间。Rise Time 上升时间,点击将出现上升...
对于例2,在程序运行完毕后,在曲线中空白区域,单击鼠标右键,在快捷菜单中选择”characteristics”,包含:Peak response (峰值); settling time (调节时间);Rise time(上升时间 6、);steady state(稳态值);在相应位置出现相应点,用鼠标单击后,相应性能值就显示出来。用鼠标左键点击时域响应曲线任意一点,系统会自动跳出...
2.增加模块Check Step Response Characteristics 如下图 3.双击模块Check Step Response Characteristics。 如下图 4.修改参数 上升时间Rise time (seconds),设置为2.5 调整时间Settling time (seconds),设置为30 超调量% Overshoot,设置为5 5.设置完上面的参数后。点击该窗口的右下角Response Optimization 如下图 ...
对于例2,在程序运行完毕后,在曲线中空白区域,单击鼠标右键,在快捷菜单中选择”characteristics”,包含:Peak response (峰值);settling time (调节时间);Rise time(上升时间);steady state(稳态值);在相应位置出现相应点,用鼠标单击后,相应性能值就显示出来。用鼠标左键点击时域响应曲线任意一点,系统会自动跳出一个小...
step(sys) The step plot automatically includes a dotted horizontal line indicating the steady-state response. In a MATLAB® figure window, you can right-click on the plot to view other step-response characteristics such as peak response and settling time. For more information about these charact...
Mp=100*(yp-finalvalue)/finalvalue;len=length(t);while(y(len)>0.98*finalvalue)&(y(len)<1.02*finalvalue)len=len-1;end;ts=t(len);step(sys)介绍 MATLAB和Mathematica、Maple并称为三大数学软件。它在数学类科技应用软件中在数值计算方面首屈一指。行矩阵运算、绘制函数和数据、实现算法...
8 Automobile Velocity Control Figure 4-2 step response( a=2,b=8,Kp=33,Ki=66) Figure 4-3 ramp response( a=2,b=8,Kp=33,Ki=66) 9 电气 0811 巫宇智 From figure 4-2, we can see that the overshoot is 4.75%, and the settling time is 1.04 s with zero error to the step input....
Step Response of G1(s)=120/(s 2+12s+120) 0.4183System: G1 Peakamplitude: 1.13 Overshoot (%): 12.7 1.2At time (sec): 0.336 System: G1 Settling Time (sec): 0.532 1 e d u t i l p m A 0.4184 0.13 System: G1 Rise Time (sec): 0.159 ...
('System Step Response'); xlabel('Time (s)'); ylabel('Response'); grid on; % 确定过渡过程的起始和结束点 % 这里我们假设过渡过程在输出达到并保持在稳态值的±5%范围内结束 % 稳态值为1(对于单位阶跃响应) ss_value = 1; tolerance = 0.05 * ss_value; % 找到过渡过程的起始点(响应达到稳态值...