下述代码为初应力法的迭代算法的实现。 functionSolveModelglobalgNodegElementgMaterialgBC1gKgDeltagNodeStressgElementStressgDFgElementStraingFE%% step 1. 定义整体刚度矩阵和节点力向量[node_number,dummy]=size(gNode);gK=sparse(node_number*2,node_number*2);gFE=sparse(node_number*2,1);%整体内力向量f=...
matlab 稀疏矩阵(sparse matrix) 参数的设置:spparms() spparms('spumoni', 3);:Set sparse monitor flag to obtaindiagnostic output 1. 创建稀疏矩阵 A = sparse(M, N); % 默认得到的是全 0 稀疏矩阵; 2. spdiags 提取稀疏矩阵的“对角线” [B,d]= spdiags(A) % d 表示的是非零对角线所对应的编...
matlab 稀疏矩阵(sparse matrix) 参数的设置:spparms() spparms('spumoni', 3);:Set sparse monitor flag to obtaindiagnostic output 1. 创建稀疏矩阵 A = sparse(M, N); % 默认得到的是全 0 稀疏矩阵; 2. spdiags 提取稀疏矩阵的“对角线” [B,d]= spdiags(A) % d 表示的是非零对角线所对应的编...
参数的设置:spparms() spparms('spumoni', 3);:Set sparse monitor flag to obtaindiagnostic output 1. 创建稀疏矩阵 A = sparse(M, N); % 默认得到的是全 0 稀疏矩阵; 1. 2. 2. spdiags 提取稀疏矩阵的“对角线” [B,d] = spdiags(A) % d 表示的是非零对角线所对应的编号 A = spdiags(B,...
数据类型: double 复数支持: 是 triangle— 输入矩阵的三角因子 'upper' (默认) | 'lower' 输入矩阵的三角因子,指定为 'upper' 或'lower'。使用此选项指定 chol 应使用输入矩阵的上三角或下三角来计算分解。chol 假设输入矩阵是对称实矩阵或埃尔米特复矩阵。chol 仅使用上三角或下三角执行计算。 使用'lower' ...
input image can be uint8, uint16, int16, double, or single, and must % be real and nonsparse. The output limits are double and have values % between 0 and 1. % % Note % --- % If TOL is too big, such that no pixels would be left after saturating...
[KE] = lk; K = sparse(2*(nelx+1)*(nely+1), 2*(nelx+1)*(nely+1)); F = sparse(2*(nely+1)*(nelx+1),1); U = zeros(2*(nely+1)*(nelx+1),1); for elx = 1:nelx for ely = 1:nely n1 = (nely+1)*(elx-1)+ely; n2 = (nely+1)* elx +ely; edof = [2...
i think you have to transform your matrix from Unsigned integer 8 to double, try : 테마복사 G=sparse(im2double(a)); % or simply double(a) 댓글 수: 4 이전 댓글 2개 표시 jagannath mishra 2013년 5월 20일 편집: jagannath mishra 2013년 5월 20일...
[a1;a2;a3];%Concatenate rows into final matrix%Create mp-matrices by conversion from double>>A=mp(rand(5));>>B=mp(eye(5));>>[V,D]=eig(A,B);>>norm(A*V-B*V*D,1)/(norm(A,1)*norm(B,1))ans=8.1433805952291741154581605524001229e-34%Create sparse matrixwithaccumulation using ...
MATLAB > Mathematics > Sparse Matrices Find more on Sparse Matrices in Help Center and MATLAB Answers Tags Add Tags 2ndorder central difference derivative diff differentiation differentiation m... finite difference numerical derivative onesided onesided difference second order sparse sparse matrix vect...