% create a matrix y, with two rows x = 0:10:100; y = [x; log(x)]; % open a file for writing fid = fopen('logtable.txt', 'w'); % Table Header fprintf(fid, 'Log Function '); % print values in column order % two values appear on each row of the file fprintf(fid, '...
By default, sort uses ascending sorted order. If A is a vector, then sort(A) sorts the vector elements. If A is a matrix, then sort(A) treats the columns of A as vectors and sorts each column. If A is a multidimensional array, then sort(A) operates along the first array dimension...
Is there a way to sort rows, so first and second column is sorted with ascending order, but third one with descending? I want to get something like this: A = [ 'a'3 16 'a'3 8 'a'4 6 'a'4 5 'k'2 4 'k'2 2 'k'9 8 ...
testcholdout-Compare accuraciesoftwo setsofpredicted class labels. testckfold-Compare accuraciesoftwo classifiersbyrepeatedcross-validation. TreeBagger-Ensembleofbagged decision trees. Hypothesis Tests. ansaribradley-Ansari-Bradley two-sample testforequal dispersions. dwtest-Durbin-Watson testforautocorrelat...
uitable Function: Use table arrays for faster rendering of data and to sort tables interactively Auto Resize: Automatically resize components when an app is made smaller than its default size. Graphics Support: Explore data using axes toolbar and data tips in apps created with the uifigure funct...
In this image, you can see a table with four columns: Name shows the name that you gave to var_1, var_2, and var_3. Type shows the Python type of the variable, in this case, all int for integer numbers. Size shows the size of the data stored variable, which is more useful for...
The size() function supports two arguments. The first argument is the name of our matrix (with some data), of which we want to get the number of columns. The second argument can be either 1 or 2. The numeric number 1 returns the number of rows of the matrix, whereas the numeric num...
we will need to run the functionL=real(L);on the vector L.Then, we will sort the entries of L using the MATLAB commandL=sort(L);To output vector L correctly, you will go through two more steps:(1) In your code, you will need to ensure that the multiple eigenvalues show as the...
在文件开头的注释中说明重要的变量,例如:% pointArray Points are in rows withcoordinatesin columns. 在常量定义的末尾,通过注释说明其含义,用法或约束,例如:THRESHOLD = 10; % Maximum noise level found by experiment. 3.1 全局变量和常量 相比于全局变量,参数传递更有利于代码的清晰和可维护性。我们可以通过使...
Hello JSBSimmers! I have managed to download and install on Windows the JSBSim release v1.1.8 that includes the newly released interface to Matlab. Yet, the interface doesn't work right out of the box on Windows unless you add some heade...