Solving complicated system of symbolic equations. Learn more about system of equations, symbolic MATLAB
With syms defined as 'real' only solve takes too long to come to a solution, perhaps because it evaluates all possible solutions. I have also tried 'eiliminate' function. The system of equations will have multiple solutions if no conditions are assumed for syms. I'd like solve to return ...
(MATLAB R2011a) S = solve('x1 = 3*t*X1+X2','x2 = 2*t^2*X2','x3 = 5*t*X3') S = [S.X1 S.X2 S.X3] I get a reference to non-existent field error though. It's solving for x1, x2, and x3, but need to solve for X1, X2, and X3 in terms of x1...
Solving complicated system of symbolic equations. Learn more about system of equations, symbolic MATLAB
solve('v-u-3*t^2=0', 'v') 1. MATLAB将执行上面的语句,并返回以下结果: ans = 3*t^2 + u 1. 2. 解决基本在Octave中代数方程组 根命令用于求解代数方程组Octave ,可以写上面的例子如下: 例如,让我们在方程求解x , x-5 = 0 roots([1, -5]) ...
Solve Symbolic Equations Using Live Editor Tasks Find analytical solutions of algebraic equations interactively by using the Solve Symbolic Equation task in the Live Editor with Symbolic Math Toolbox™. Solve Symbolic Equation task enables you to: Solve a single equation and a system of a...
You should not eval() a symbolic result, as symbolic results are not in MATLAB syntax. If you want to import values from the workspace (such as CE) then you should use subs(), possibly followed by double().
But at some point, I expect someone to notice that all work done with these massively large symbolic numbers uses only one of the cores on your computer. And, having spent so much money on those extra cores in your CPU, surely we can find a way to use them all? The problem is, ...
eqns-System of equations symbolic expressions|symbolic equations vars- Variablesforwhich you solve an equation or system of equations symbolic vector|symbolic matrix 名称-值参数 Real- Flagforreturning only real solutionsfalse(默认值) |trueReturnConditions- Flagforreturning parameters and conditionsfalse(默认...
图1是我写的程序,图2是程序求出的答案,图3是标准答案,我不明白为什么求解八元一次方程组能求出复数,solve函数有时候能解出正确答案,但是绝大多数情况解都是复数,代码是从B站上学的。 希望有明白的的大佬可以解答一下,非常感谢! lhmhz 1-9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 下一页> 尾页 共有主题数10896...