matlab中smooth函数的用法 matlab中smooth函数的⽤法 %SMOOTH Smooth data. % Z = SMOOTH(Y) smooths data Y using a 5-point moving average. % % Z = SMOOTH(Y,SPAN) smooths data Y using SPAN as the number of points used % to compute each element of Z. % % Z = SMOOTH(Y,SPAN,METHOD...
>>edit smooth.m function [c,ww] = smooth(varargin)%SMOOTH Smooth data.% Z = SMOOTH(Y) smooths data Y using a 5-point moving average.%% Z = SMOOTH(Y,SPAN) smooths data Y using SPAN as the number of points used% to compute each element of Z.%% Z = SMOO...
yy = smooth(y,span,'sgolay',degree) uses the number of data points specified by span in the ...
However, when I do the same thing for 'SmoothData', I getexactlythe same answer with every method. I determined that my answers are the same by subtracting the smoothed data using each method from the smoothed data using the loess results. I get 0 for all points across the range of dat...
uses the 'lowess' method with span 5.
function [Y]=kernel_smooth(X,span) X=X(:); n=length(X); if span>=n disp('Error: The span is larger than the number of data points.') Y=X; else m=span-1; window=normpdf(-m:m,0,span)'; Y=conv(X,window,'same')./sum(window); end end ``` 使用数据: t=0:0.2:5*pi;...
When you apply'b =smooth(a);',the output is calculated as follows: b(1) =a(1) b(2) = (a(1) +a(2) +a(3))/3 b(3) = (a(1) +a(2) +a(3) +a(4) +a(5))/5 b(4)=(a(2) +a(3) +a(4) +a(5) +a(6))/5 ...
figure plot(f2, [x y], z, 'Exclude', z > 1); title('Fit with data points excluded such that z > 1') Curve Fitting app Curve Fitting 3 阶和5阶多项式拟合 滑动平均 clear x = (0:0.1:15)'; y = sin(x) + 0.5*(rand(size(x))-0.5); y([90,110]) = 3; yy0 = smooth(x...
Some recorded data points go upwards, altough this isn't possible for the given subject. Is there a way to smooth my data and at the same time, make sure that x_i < x_i-1, i.e., always with a negative curve. 추가 답변 (0개) ...