1.2.3 通用操作界面窗口 1. 命令窗口(Command Window) 在命令窗口中可键入各种MATLAB的命令、函数和表达式,并显示除图形外的所有运算结果。 命令窗口单独显示:如果选择菜单“View”→“Undock Command Window ”; 单独的命令窗口返回MATLAB界面:选择命令窗口的菜单“View”→“Dock Command Window”命令。 (1)命令行...
3、ame/fun edit private/fun edit classname/private/fun edit +packagename/classname/fun edit(my file.m)Description edit opens a new editor window.edit fun.m opens the file fun.m in the default editor. The fun.m file specification can include a partial path, complete path, relative path, ...
接下来,在菜单栏处找到“Window”; 点击“Window”之后,在下边找到“Show View”; 在“Show View”下找到“Other”,点击打开“Other”; 打开之后,如下图所示; 接下来,在搜索框处,输入&l... 问答精选 cannot remove NaN from numpy array I have a numpy array d (shape (2658,12)) having 77 NaN's ...
matlab.colors.commandwindowErrorColor— Color of errors in output [230 0 0] (default) | RGB tripletWarningColor— Color of warnings in output [255 100 0] (default) | RGB tripletHyperlinkColor— Color of Command Window hyperlinks [0 0 255] (default) | RGB triplet...
If you delete column A in the Variables editor, the line T(:,'A') = []; displays in the Command Window. To suppress code display in the Command Window, on the View tab, clear the Show MATLAB Code check box. Resize or Reshape Variables To modify the size, shape, and order of ...
(1)Main window. The main window area consists of a functional area, a fast access toolbar and a current folder toolbar. The functional area is mainly used to show the homepage, drawing, and applications; the fast access toolbar is mainly file deposit, text copy and paste. ...
To see the error message, run disp(MATLABCustomStartupCodeError.message) in the command window.Note: Restarting MATLAB from within matlab-proxy will run the specified code again.LimitationsCommands that require user input or open MATLAB editor windows are not supported. Using commands such as ...
Specifies the link to the documentation for the variable. You can enter a URL address or a MATLAB command that displays documentation, such as an HTML file or text in the MATLAB Command Window. When you click theDocument linklink, theMATLAB Functionblock evaluates the link and displays the do...
{2} = B2; %% 模型训练 net.trainParam.showWindow = 1; % 打开训练窗口 net = train(net, p_train, t_train); % 训练模型 %% 仿真测试 t_sim1 = sim(net, p_train); t_sim2 = sim(net, p_test ); %% 数据反归一化 T_sim1 = mapminmax('reverse', t_sim1, ps_output); T_sim2 =...
matlab多项式曲线拟合考虑如下xy 一组实验数据:x1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 1Qy1.2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 4.7, 5, 5.2, 6, 7.2汪 yx x3 2X2 5ln MATLAB y 1