(6)Set Path:设置工作路径。(7)Preferences:用于设置命令窗的属性,单击该选项弹出一个属性画面。(8)Page Setup:用于页面设置。(9)Print:用于设置打印属性。(10)Print Selection:用于对选择的文件数据进行打印设置。(11)Exit MATLAB:退出MATLAB桌面操作环境。
Examples: ticklabelformat(gca,'y','%.6g V') - sets y axis in current axes to display 6 significant digits ticklabelformat(gca,'xy','%.2f') - sets x & y axes in current axes to display 2 decimal digits ticklabelformat(gca,'z',@myFcn) - sets a function to update the Z tick...
area. It has no sigularity point in the area and seems to be a perfect candidate to use dblquad. My question is how to evaluate the accuracy of the numerical value that Matlab provided to me. Without knowing the exact value of the integration, how can one justify the significant-digits?
在该对话框中,用户可以根据需要选择拟合的数据源(Select data)、拟合方式(Check to display fits on figure)、拟合函数的显示(Show equations)、数值的有效位数(Significant digits)及是否显示残差(Plot residuals)和是否显示最大残差模(Show norm of residuals)等。 · Data Statistics命令可以打开图形数据统计分析...
附录Ⅱ工具箱数学词汇英汉对照表Ⅱ.1 概率论与数理统计词汇英汉对照表 A absolute value 绝对值accept 接受acceptable region 接受域additivity 可加性adjusted 调整的alternative hypothesis 对立假设analysis 分析analysis of covariance 协方差分析analysis of variance 方差分析arithmetic mean 算术平均值...
3.2 仿真程序 %程序如下: % 2FSK仿真 程序 clc; clear; set(findobj(Color,[0.800 0.800 0.800]),Color,w);%设置背景白 fs=2000; %采样频率 dt=1/fs; f1=20; f2=120; %两个信号的频率 a=round(rand(1,10)); %随机信号 g1=a; g2=~a; %信号反转,和g1反向 g11=(ones(1,2000))*g1; ...
MLE involves calculating the value of p that give the highest likelihood given the particular set of data. The function binofit returns the MLEs and confidence intervals for the parameters of the binomial distribution. Here is an example using random numbers from the binomial distribution with n?
[0; .44]; cnt = 1; tic while ~get(stop,'value') r = rand; if r < p(1) x = A1*x + b1; elseif r < p(2) x = A2*x + b2; elseif r < p(3) x = A3*x + b3; else x = A4*x; end set(h,'xdata',x(1),'ydata',x(2)); cnt = cnt + 1; drawnow 78 ...
Y = round(X,N,type) 指定舍入的类型。指定“significant”四舍五入到N位有效数字(从最左边的数字开始计算)。在这种情况下,N必须是一个正整数。 Y = round(t) 将持续时间数组t的每个元素舍入到最近的秒数。 Y = round(t,unit) 将t的每个元素舍入到指定时间单位的最近数。
In this code, you first set the value of num to 10 and then tried to write the if statement without indentation. In fact, the IPython console is smart and automatically indents the line after the if statement for you, so you’ll have to delete the indentation to produce this error. Whe...