可以通过将ColorScale属性设置为'log'获得更好的观感。 上图1是默认线性,图2是log尺度。 2与histogram2函数对比 clc%https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/312069817clearallcloseallx=randn(1e6,1);y=3*x+randn(1e6,1);b1=histogram2(x,y,120,'FaceColor','flat');b1.ShowEmptyBins='on';set(gca,'ColorSc...
MATLAB允许对坐标轴进行对数刻度设置,通常使用set(gca, 'YScale', 'log')或set(gca, 'ZScale', 'log')来实现。然而,对于colorbar,直接设置yscale或zscale为log是不适用的,因为colorbar本身不是一个轴对象。 3. 查找或探索在colorbar上应用对数刻度的方法 要设置colorbar为对数刻度,需要手动计算对数刻度位置,并...
set(gca,'ColorScale','log') colormap(flipud(hot(50))) Could you please help me? 채택된 답변 dpb2022년 7월 7일 1 링크 번역 Did you not readcontourfinput syntax descriptions? The third option down says contourf(___,levels)specifies the contour lines to display as...
I'm trying to creat a colormap with logscale. Theset(gca,'ColorScale','log')command doesn't work for me. I get this error:There is no ColorScale property on the Axes class. I think this command doesn't work in newer versions. Are there any alternatives? Thank you ...
set(l,'Color',get(gca,'XColor')); else p = findobj(gcf,'Type','patch'); l = findobj(gcf,'Type','line'); if (get(gcf,'UserData') > fractioninput) set(p,'EraseMode','normal'); end xpatch = [0 x x 0]; set(p,'XData',xpatch); ...
cb = colorbar; set(gca,'colorscale','log') cb.Ticks = [0.01 0.02 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5 1 2 5 10 20]; caxis([0.01 20]) If you additionally want to recreate the same colormap and don't know what it is, you can approximate it. ...
% 坐标区调整set(gca,'Box','off',... % 边框'LineWidth',1,... % 线宽'XGrid','on','YGrid','off',... % 网格'TickDir','out','TickLength',[.015.015],... % 刻度'XMinorTick','off','YMinorTick','off',... % 小刻度'XColor',[.1.1.1],'YColor',[.1.1.1],... % 坐标轴...
我正在尝试用Matlab中的surf函数显示3D绘图,我需要它在z轴上是对数比例。下面是我正在做的事情:set(gca,'zscale','log')h = colorbar但它不适用于最新版本的Matlab,因为&#x 浏览87提问于2017-07-30得票数 1 回答已采纳 1回答 matplotlib散点图中的对数色标 、 我想使散点图上的点的颜色与空泡率的值相...
set( gca, 'YScale', 'log' ) grid on drawnow % reference IC residuals subplot( 5, numPrct, p + (3:4)*numPrct ) hold on for i = 1 : length(opt) plot( kstep{i}, prctRF{i}(p,:), argVisIcCurve{:}, ... 'Color', clrIcCurve(i,:) ); ...
set(gc 18、a,gridlinestyle,-)xlim 属性: x 轴上下限,以向量 xm,xm 形式给出。此外,还有 ylim 和 zlim 属性,前面介绍的 axis() 函数实际上是对这些属性的直接赋值。set(gca,xlim,0 30) xscale 属性: x 轴刻度类型设置,可以为 linear (线性的) 和 log (对数的)。此外还有 yscale 和 zscale 属性。