MatLab为计算机屏幕建立的句柄标示为0,设置matlab系统上面的默认字体 在显示任何figure之前执行下面语句:set(0,'DefaultTextFontName','Script'); % 设置字体样式为'Script'set(0,'DefaultTextFontSize',12); % 设置字体大小为12 set(0,'DefaultAxesFontName','Script'); % 设置轴的字体为'Scr...
1、点击[预设] 2、点击[字体] 3、点击[自定义] 4、点击[命令行窗口] 5、点击[自定义] 6、点击[9] 7、点击[8] 8、点击[颜色] 9、点击[使用系统颜色] 10、点击[文本] 11、点击[megenta] 12、点击[确定]
set(gca,'Fontname','times new roman','Fontsize',8,'Position',[.13 .17 0.8 0.74]); %设置坐标轴刻度上字体类型大小斜体等;设置坐标轴内图占总绘图区域比例,0.8指x轴占图长比例,0.74指y轴占图宽比例。 set(get(gca,'Xlabel'),'String','x','Fontname','times new roman','Fontsize',10,'Fon...
set(0, 'DefaultAxesFontSize', 14); legend('$sin(x)$','$\frac{d}{dx}sin(x)$','Interpreter','latex'); title('Title', 'FontSize', 14); title('\fontsize{14}{18}\selectfont \textbf{Title}', 'Interpreter', 'latex'); title('Title', 'FontSize', 12, 'FontWeight', 'bold')...
set(groot,'defaultAxesFontSize',12) And it is possible to set as default several things, for that you need the right class name, to check them: 테마복사 d = get(groot,'factory'); Substitute factory to default. To have this setup everytime you open matlab add a startup.m ...
To change the default font size of the axes labels, such as title, xlabel, ylabel, and tick labels, use the following example code which sets the defaultAxesFontSize to be size 20 font:
'plain'(default) |'bold'|'italic'|["bold,"italic"] Size— Live Editor normal font size '14px' (default) | positive integer | string scalar | character vector Color— Live Editor normal font color [0 0 0 1](default) | three-element vector | four-element vector ...
set(gcf,'DefaultAxesColorOrder',[1 0 0;0 1 0;0 0 1;0.5 0.5 0.5],... 'DefaultLineLineWidth',3, 'DefaultAxesLineStyleOrder','-|--|:|-.',... 'DefaultTextFontSize',20); plot(data); hold on; text(1,data(1,1),'\bullet\leftarrowa的最大值','HorizontalAlignment','Left'); ...
set(0, 'DefaultAxesFontName', 'Times New Roman','DefaultAxesFontSize', 11, 'DefaultAxesFontWeight', 'bold'); %颜色矩阵 colors = [[0.00, 0.45, 0.74]; [0.2, 0.8, 0.2]; [0.2, 0.2, 0.8]; [0.8, 0.8, 0.2]] % 绘图 for sheet_idx = 1:length(sheet_names); % 建立sheet列表 ...