15 选择“Enter the full path to your license file, including the file name:”,点击“Browse...”,如图所示。16 打开步骤2中的安装盘,并找到crack文件夹,如图所示。17 双击打开crack文件夹,选择lic_standalone.dat文件,点击右下角的“Select”,如图所示。18 接着,我们看到了lic_standalone.dat文件已...
如果您是管理员(Administrato),可以通过您的 MathWorks 帐户获得激活密钥(Activation Key)和文件安装密钥(File Installation Key)。要获取密钥,请按照下列步骤操作: 1.登录到下面的许可证中心(License Center):https://www.mathworks.com/licensecenter 2.选择所需的许可证 - 如果对试用版执行此操作,请从上面的下拉菜...
Step 5. Select License File The license file is required for installation when you use a File Installation Key. It identifies which products you can run. The file must be a valid license file. If the installer detects that the license file is invalid for any reason, use a different license...
Select the China site (in Chinese or English) for best site performance. Other MathWorks country sites are not optimized for visits from your location. Americas
lmgrd -c <PATH_TO_LICENSE_FILE> -l <PATH_TO_LOG_FILE> 例如, lmgrd -c license.dat -l lmlog.txt 注意:在该方法开始的时候,为了终止许可证管理器,您需要在Windows任务管理中结束lmgrd.exe进程。 对于安装在Unix/Linux/Mac OS X系统中的许可证管理器 === 在Unix/Linux/Mac OS X系统中,许可...
6) select "X:\serial\license.lic" when asked for license file 7) copy folder "bin" and its content from folder "X:\serial\MatlabX32" or "X:\serial\MatlabX64" (depending on 32-bit or 64-bit you have installed) to folder where you installed Matlab WITH OVERWRITING of existing files ...
I understand that you are currently encountering an issue with the license manager, specifically receiving “Error -9”. This error can occur due to the following reasons: The username or Host ID in the license file does not match. (Designated Computer Only) MATLAB is already running under ...
点击“Providethepathtothelicensefile:点击“Browse.打开安装包文件夹里的“crackX 件夹,找到“lic_standalone.dat点击“Select”点击“Next;ActivateautomaticallyusingtheInternet(recommended)匚nnecti门SettingsMAlLAB的MULINICA尸fd*riL.LjActivatewithoutanInternetconnectionoProvidet 8、hepathtothelicensefile:Idonot...
本例选择“I have the File Installation Key for my license:(我有一个许可证安装密钥)”单选项,然后在下面的文本框中输入已有的密钥,单击“Next(下一步)”按钮。 (5)安装类型 图1-9为安装类型选择界面。在该界面中,用户可以选择“Typica(l典型安装)”或“Custom (自定义安装)”。