(1,25,'full');%电网储能容量 loh=sdpvar(1,25,'full');%储氢量 Temp_cha=binvar(1,24,'full'); %battary charge Temp_dis=binvar(1,24,'full'); %battery discharge Temp_ely=binvar(1,24,'full'); % ELY state Temp_fc=binvar(1,24,'full'); % FC state Pely2=sdpvar(1,24,'full')...
1 使用0-1变量将分段函数转换为线性约束2 连续函数采用分段线性化示例 3 matlab程序测试clc;clear all; gn=10;tn=1; x_pf=sdpvar(1, tn,'full'); Pgone=8; gw1=sdpvar(gn+1,tn,'full'); gz1=binva…
% Lshift=zeros(1,24); Pnet=sdpvar(1,24,'full');%交换功率 Pbuy=sdpvar(1,24,'full');%从电网购电电量 Psell=sdpvar(1,24,'full');%向电网售电电量 Temp_net=binvar(1,24,'full'); % 购|售电标志 Temp_cha=binvar(1,24,'full'); %充电标志 Temp_dis=binvar(1,24,'full'); %放电标...
3matlab程序测试 clc;clear all;gn=10;tn=1;x_pf=sdpvar(1, tn,'full');Pgone=8;gw1=sdpvar(gn+1,tn,'full');gz1=binvar(gn, tn,'full');gl1=10/gn;for i=1:1gl2(i,:)=0:gl1:10;endcon=[];con = [con, x_pf(1,:)==gl2(1,:).^2*gw1];con = [con, gw1(1,:)<=gz1...
x = sdpvar(3,3,’full’); d = sdpvar(3,1); g = sdpvar(3,1); %% 目标函数 objective = f'*y + a'*z + sum(sum(C.*x)); %% 约束条件 Constraints = []; Constraints = [Constraints , z >=0, x >=0, g >=0, g <=1]; ...
P_G = sdpvar(3,24,'full'); % 火电机组出力 EB=sdpvar(2,24,'full'); % 电锅炉出力 % 热力源出力 GT_H = sdpvar(2,24,'full'); % 燃气轮机热出力 EB_H=sdpvar(2,24,'full'); % 电锅炉热出力 % 天然气 P_gas=sdpvar(2,24,'full'); % 天然气需求 ...
sdpvar(m,n):创建实数型决策变量 intvar(m,n):创建整数型决策变量 binvar(m,n):创建0-1型决策变量 xxxvar(n,n,'full'):创建非对称方阵,当使用xxxvar(n,n)时默认创建对称方阵 设置目标函数: f = 目标函数,默认求目标函数最小化 设置约束条件: ...
q1=sdpvar(1,13,'full');q2=sdpvar(1,13,'full');r=sdpvar(13,28,'full');%下面是目标函数sum1=0;for i=1:13 sum1=sum1+p1(1,i)+p2(1,i);%第一项endsum2=0;for i=1:13 for j=6:7:27 sum2=sum2+r(i,j);%第二项 endendsum3=0;for i=1:13 sum3=sum3+q1(1,i)+q2(...
slack_y = sdpvar(obj.T_ini*obj.M,1,'full'); U_p = obj.Up; U_f = obj.Uf; Y_p = obj.Yp; Y_f = obj.Yf; iflambda_proj > DeePC.SMALL_NUMBER % Compute projection matrix (for the least square solution) Zp = [U_p;Y_p;U_f]; ...
a matrix (or scalar) P with n rows and m columns, we write P = sdpvar(n,m)[$[Get Code]]A square matrix is symmetric by default!. To obtain a fully parameterized (i.e. not necessarily symmetric) square matrix, a third argument is needed.P = sdpvar(3,3,'full')[$[Get Code]]