Figure 1. S-parameter matrix of a two-port RF device. In this example, S11is defined as the ratio of the reflected wave to the incident wave at port-1 while port-2 is terminated on the characteristic impedance. The value of S11provides a direct measure of the port matching condition, ...
1D Result:CST中1D Result指的是Y值取决于X轴的曲线图结果 (比如:S-Parameter结果)答案是:1D Resul...
CSTExport = ClassCstExport(pathNameOpenFile,savePathByUser); CSTExport.SParameter; ClassCstExport类: ClassCstExport.m classdef ClassCstExport < handle properties filePath;% CST文件目录+文件名 savePath;% 数据导出存放目录 end methods function Obj = ClassCstExport(filePath,savePath) Obj.filePath =...
sobj = sparameters(filename) creates an S-parameter object sobj by importing data from the Touchstone file specified by filename. sobj = sparameters(data,freq) creates an S-parameter object from the S-parameter data, data, and frequencies, freq. sobj = sparameters(data,freq, Z0) creates...
将多个S参数进行级联,最快捷的方法是在Simulink中使用RF Blockset里面的S-Parameter这个模块进行级联了,当然在MATLAB中您也可以实现S参数的级联,以两个2端口网络为例: ckt1 = read(rfckt.amplifier,'default.s2p');%读入第一个S参数,并将其设置为电路1ckt2 = read(rfckt.passive,'passive.s2p');%读入第二个...
使用Simulink.Parameter 对象可以更好地控制模型参数的最小值和最大值、数据类型和其他属性。 使用变量或参数对象设置模块参数值。(可选)使用相同的变量或对象来设置其他模块参数值。 通过选择参数属性,将变量或对象配置为模型参数。 为变量或 Simulink.Parameter 对象指定默认值。在您直接仿真此模型时,模块参数使用变量...
Working with S-Parameters Read multiport scattering parameters (S-parameters) that are formatted as touchstone files, and that come from instruments such as network analyzers or circuit and EM simulators. Inspect, visualize, and plot S-parameter data, leveraging the ability of MATLAB®to ...
ssSetNumSFcnParams(S, NPARAMS);if(ssGetNumSFcnParams(S) != ssGetSFcnParamsCount(S)) {return;/* Parameter mismatch will be reported by Simulink */} ssSetArrayLayoutForCodeGen(S, SS_COLUMN_MAJOR); ssSetOperatingPointCompliance(S, USE_DEFAULT_OPERATING_POINT); ...
Sckt1 = sparameters(robj,freq,Behavioral=true); Calculate the S-parameters of the right angle bend using the electromagnetic solver. Sem1 = sparameters(robj,freq); Plot the S-parameter data using therfplotfunction. rfplot(Sckt1,'abs','o') holdonrfplot(Sem1,'abs','s') ...