Matlab取整函数有: fix, floor, ceil, round.取整函数在编程时有很大用处。 一、取整函数 1.向零取整(截尾取整) fix-向零取整(Round towards zero); >> fix(3.6) ans = 3 2.向负无穷取整(不超过x 的最大整数-高斯取整) floor-向负无穷取整(Round towards minus infinity); >> floor(-3.6) ans = -4...
一、取整函数 1.向零取整(截尾取整) fix-向零取整(Round towards zero); >> fix(3.6) ans = 3 2.向负无穷取整(不超过x 的最大整数-高斯取整) floor-向负无穷取整(Round towards minus infinity); >> floor(-3.6) ans = -4 3.向正无穷取整(大于x 的最小整数) ceil-向正无穷取整(Round towards plu...
Matlab取整函数有:fix,floor,ceil,round.取整函数在编程时有很大用处。 一、取整函数 1.向零取整(截尾取整) fix-向零取整(Roundtowardszero); >>fix(3.6) ans=3 2.向负无穷取整(不超过x的最大整数-高斯取整) floor-向负无穷取整(Roundtowardsminusinfinity); >>floor(-3.6) ans=-4 3.向正无穷取整...
fixRound towards zero. fix(X) rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers towards zero. 例: t = 7.6806 3.5388 3.6130 2.3309 3.4719 7.4163 5.8736 2.5372 7.0590 fix(t) ans = 7 3 3 2 3 7 5 2 7 round - 向最近的方向取整,亦即“四舍五入” ...
Matlab取整函数有: fix, floor, ceil, round.取整函数在编程时有很大用处。向零取整(截尾取整)fix-向零取整(Round towards zero);向负无穷取整floor(不超过x 的最大整数-高斯取整)向正无穷取整ceil(大于x 的最小整数)向最近整数取整,四舍五入round(四舍五入取整)
Matlab取整函数有: fix, floor, ceil, round.取整函数在编程时有很大用处。一、取整函数1.向零取整(截尾取整)fix-向零取整(Round towards zero);>> fix(3.6)... nala_start 0 11775 matlab取整函数 2016-08-18 10:52 − matlab取整函数有: fix, floor, ceil, round.具体应用如下: (1) fix朝零方...
2015-03-30 14:27 −Matlab取整函数有: fix, floor, ceil, round.取整函数在编程时有很大用处。一、取整函数1.向零取整(截尾取整)fix-向零取整(Round towards zero);>> fix(3.6)&... Zhixiang-WANG 0 750 matlab取整 2015-07-01 11:31 −matlab取整 Matlab取整函数有: fix, floor, ceil, round....
fix Round towards zero. fix(X) rounds the elements of X to the nearest integers towards zero. See also floor, round, ceil. Overloaded methods: codistributed/fix gpuArray/fix Reference page in Help browser doc fix 1. 2. 3. 4.