fix-Round towards zero. floor-Round towards minus infinity. ceil-Round towards plus infinity. round-Round towards nearest integer. mod-Modulus (signed remainder after division). rem-Remainder after division. sign-Signum. 有关更多高等数学函数和矩阵函数的列表,请键入help specfun以及help elmat。 高等函...
y = ROUNDN(x) rounds the input data x to the nearest hundredth. %不指定n,精确到百分位 y = ROUNDN(x,n) rounds the input data x at the specified power %精确到小数点后指定位数n of tens position. For example, n = -2 rounds the input data to the 10E-2 (hundredths) position. 2....
Round input to nearest multiple of arbitrary value. Follow 4.6 (25) 14.1K Downloads Updated1 Sep 2016 View License Share Open in MATLAB Online Download Everyone knows about the ROUND function for converting floating point values to their nearest whole number or integer value, but have you ever...
This function rounds inputs to multiples of a fraction. For example, to round values in an array x to the nearest fifth, use roundfrac(x,1/5). Syntax Xrounded = roundfrac(X,fraction) Xrounded = roundfrac(X,fraction,option) Description Xrounded = roundfrac(X,fraction) rounds X to ...
ROUNDN Round numbers to specified power of 10 y = ROUNDN(x) rounds the input data x to the nearest hundredth. %不指定n,精确到百分位 y = ROUNDN(x,n) rounds the input data x at the specified power %精确到小数点后指定位数n of tens position. For example, n = -2 rounds the input da...
round-向最近整数取整,四舍五入(Roundtowardsnearestinteger); >>round(3.5) ans= 4 二、在小数点后某一位四舍五入,即保留几位小数,也经常用到。 1.数值型 roundn—任意位位置四舍五入 >>a=123.4567890; >>a=roundn(a,-4) a= 123.4568 其中roundn函数功能如下: ROUNDNRoundnumberstospecifiedpowerof10 y...
Nk(ab)=numel(find(in==1));% set of sensor node ind=[]; ind=find(in==1); if(isempty(ind)) Dik{ab}=0; Qk(ab)=0; else Dik{ab}=sqrt((X(ind)-x0).^2 +(Y(ind)-y0).^2 ); % distance froom node i to its cell center ...
matlab for the first time, but have problems with the very first line of code (according to, h = actxserver('progid') creates a local OLE Automation server, where progid is the programmatic identifier of the COM server): The...
Here is an example on how to use the toolbox: [X, labels] = generate_data('helix', 2000); figure, scatter3(X(:,1), X(:,2), X(:,3), 5, labels); title('Original dataset'), drawnow no_dims = round(intrinsic_dim(X, 'MLE')); disp(['MLE estimate of intrinsic dimensionality...
This is a collection of MATLAB utilities developed by Kendrick Kay (, The philosophy of the code is to maximize power (i.e. the ability to perform many different things) and generality (i.e. the ability to re-use code for many different ...