grayimage = rgb2gray(rgb); 显示或保存转换后的灰度图像: 显示灰度图像:使用imshow函数显示灰度图像。 matlab imshow(grayimage); title('grayscale image'); 保存灰度图像:使用imwrite函数将灰度图像保存到文件中。 matlab imwrite(grayimage, 'path_to_save_gray_image.jpg'); % 将'path_to_save_gray_...
RGB = imread('peppers.png'); imshow(RGB) Convert the RGB image to a grayscale image and di...
- RGB, CMYK or grayscale output (CMYK only with pdf, eps, tif) - Variable image compression, including lossless (pdf, eps, jpg) - Optional rounded line-caps (pdf, eps) - Optionally append to file (pdf, tif) - Vector formats: pdf, eps, svg - Bitmap formats: png, tif, jpg, bmp...
2 링크 번역 It's checking if the image variable "imagen" is indeed a 3D true color image. It makes for robust code to double check for things like that. Maybe it'snotan rgb image, despite what you thought. Maybe it'sreallya grayscale, indexed, or multispectral (more than 3 ...
If you have never worked with MatLab before, the syntax may be a bit confusing but worry not, it isn't that difficult. Below, you can see the function for converting an RGB image to grayscale. C# function returnedImage = toGrayscale(image) ...
在这里存档一下grayscale to rgb部分的代码。。 function res =grs2rgb(img, map)%%Convert grayscale images to RGBusingspecified colormap.% IMGisthe grayscale image. Must be specifiedasa name of the image%including the directory, or the matrix.% MAPisthe M-by-3matrix of colors.% ...
% It's color so need to convert to gray scale. grayImage = rgb2gray(rgbImage); imshow(grayImage); else % It's already gray scale imshow(rgbImage); end axis('on','image'); drawnow; pause(0.1);% Short delay so we can see the image a little bit. ...
colormap 函数 --> 创建出一个figure,并且根据传入的参数来绘制对应的图片类型(rgb, grayscale) 参数1: 可以是gray, hot, jet中的其中一个,默认是jet 注意: 如果当前已经有了一个figure,则使用colormap会改变当前图片的维度(类型),一般是将RGB转为gray,使用colormap(gray) ...
The cmap2gray function converts RGB values to grayscale values by forming a weighted sum of the R, G, and B components: 0.298936021293775 * R + 0.587043074451121 * G + 0.114020904255103 * B The coefficients used to calculate grayscale values in the cmap2gray function are identical to those...
I know that the conversion from RGB to grayscale is based on the wighted average method as shown in the following equation: gray = .299*redChannel + .587*greenChannel + .114*blueChannel What I need to know is the math behind this equation and the coefficients. Thank you for the help...