颜色名称(Color Names):MATLAB支持直接使用颜色的英文名称来指定颜色,如'red'、'blue'等。 RGB三元组(RGB Triplet):RGB三元组是一个包含三个元素的向量,每个元素的取值范围在0到1之间,分别代表红、绿、蓝三种颜色的强度。例如,[1, 0, 0]表示红色。 十六进制颜色代码(Hexadecimal Color Codes):从MATLAB 2019及...
当i=N,即为[R2, G2, B2]。2 过渡颜色计算子程序如下:%Matlab codes%function ResultColor=Transition_Two_Color(Color1,Color2,N)%Transition_Two_Color()% This function is used to calculate the linear transition color between two colors.% The generated color gradually changes from the first co...
Table 2: Color codes (RGB) for creating an input image fileFeaturesColor code rulesRecommended values Designable domain R∩G∩B<200 0 0 0 Non-designable domain R∩G∩B>200 255 255 255 Point load 200≤R≤255, G=0, B=0 200 0 0...
rgb2hex and hex2rgb Functions: Convert between RGB triplets and hexadecimal color codes Quiver Plots: Access the multiplier used to scale arrows Legends and Rectangles: Control transparency of legend boxes and rectangle faces ConstantLine and ConstantRegion Objects: Layer reference lines and filled regi...
其中缺少的computeColor.m链接:http://www.codeforge.cn/read/215288/computeColor.m__html function img = computeColor(u,v) % computeColor color codes flow field U, V % According to the c++ source code of Daniel Scharstein % Contact: schar@middlebury.edu ...
CogColorExtractorTool工具为颜色提取工具,输入图像为RGB彩色图像,输出一个灰度图像和一个彩色图像,输出的彩色图像包含所要提取的颜色,如图1-1所示。 图 1-1 CogColorExtractorTool的源图像和输出图像CogColorExtractorTool工具的使用步骤如下: 1)、为工具CogColorExtractorTool提供彩色输入图像; 2)、双击 ...
rgbImage = imread('fog1.bmp'); [rows columns numberOfColorChannels] = size(rgbImage); ifnumberOfColorChannels == 1 % It's monochrome, so convert to color. rgbImage = cat(3, rgbImage, rgbImage, rgbImage); end imshow(rgbImage); ...
makergbcreates a numeric RGB color array from different (mixed) input elements, including 3- and 6-digit hexadecimal color codes and pre-defined color names. makergb can handle multidimensional inputs and returns the RGB triplet between 0 and 1 along the highest dimension. It returns a (custom...
matlab绘图时,经常使用的颜色对比明显,易于区分,但有时美观性欠佳,各颜色之间略显突兀,下面就精不就多,推荐几款常用的离散色系搭配。 说明: Matlab颜色取0-1之间,0-255之间的数值比上255即可以在程序中使用。 推荐几个选择“色系”的网站: Flat UI Colors 2 - 14 Color Palettes, 280 colors flatuicolors...
RGB triplets and hexadecimal color codes are useful for specifying custom colors. An RGB triplet is a three-element row vector whose elements specify the intensities of the red, green, and blue components of the color. The intensities must be in the range [0,1]; for example, [0.4 0.6 0.7...