A=1*6cell array, A{2}=eye(3) means to generate a 3x3 identity matrix in the 1st row and 2nd column of matrix A. A{5}=magic(5) means to generate a 5x5 magic square matrix, where the sum of the numbers in any row, column, or diagonal is the same. (5)结构体(Structures) 其...
% 'Replicates' - Number of times to repeat the clustering, each with a % new set of i...
Language and Programming Language and Programming repelem Function: Repeat copies of array elements to create a larger array The repelem function copies elements of an array into a new array according to a specified repetition scheme. sort Function: Now preserves shape of cell array of string input...
para_miu=data(rand_array(1:K), :); %随机排列取前K个数,在X矩阵中取这K行作为初始聚类中心 %欧氏距离,计算(X-para_miu)^2=X^2+para_miu^2-2*X*para_miu',矩阵大小为X_num*K distant=repmat(sum(data.*data,2),1,K)+repmat(sum(para_miu.*para_miu,2)',X_num,1)-2*data*para_miu...
cfg.repeat: number of times the cross-validation is repeated with new randomly assigned folds (default 5) cfg.p: if cfg.cv is 'holdout', p is the fraction of test samples (default 0.1) cfg.stratify: if 1, the class proportions are approximately preserved in each test fold (default 1)...
para_miu=data(rand_array(1:K), :); %随机排列取前K个数,在X矩阵中取这K行作为初始聚类中心 %欧氏距离,计算(X-para_miu)^2=X^2+para_miu^2-2*X*para_miu',矩阵大小为X_num*K distant=repmat(sum(data.*data,2),1,K)+repmat(sum(para_miu.*para_miu,2)',X_num,1)-2*data*para_miu...
T(n)=max(x) 거의 10년 전 | 0 |수락됨 답변 있음 How to increase count for different counters in if loop. You are comparing the entire _itemtype_ array to the numbers 1 and 2. Perhaps you want to compare just one element of the array... ...
This is a collection of MATLAB utilities developed by Kendrick Kay (kendrick@post.harvard.edu,http://kendrickkay.net). The philosophy of the code is to maximize power (i.e. the ability to perform many different things) and generality (i.e. the ability to re-use code for many different ...
The optional numeric argument repeat can be used for limiting the number of items read: -1 Read all of the string or file until the end (default). N Read until the first of two conditions occurs: 1) the format has been processed N times, or 2) N lines of the input have been proce...
It is important to repeat the input and output arguments in these comments because the first line is not displayed when you ask for help on the function. The next line f = zeros(n,1); creates an n-by-1 matrix containing all zeros and assigns it to f. In Matlab, a matrix with ...