1 第一,启动MATLAB,新建脚本(Ctrl+N),输入如下代码:close all;clear all;clcx=0:pi/50:2*pi;y=sin(x);hline1=plot(x,y,'k','linewidth',3);hline2=line(x+0.05,y,'linewidth',4,'color',[.8,.8,.8]);set(gca,'children',[...
Remove Grid Lines from a Graph. Learn more about graph, image processing, image segmentation Image Processing Toolbox
两个函数的格式不同:\x0d\x0aplot(X,Y,S); % X,Y为坐标,画出一个点,S为其它属性(颜色,点的大小等)。\x0d\x0aline([X1 X2],[Y1 Y2],S); %点A(X1,Y1)和点B(X2 Y2)之间画一条直线,S为其它属性(颜色,线的粗细等)。\x0d\x0a详细资料可以在matlab主面板里输入 ...
具有常量 y 值的水平线 - MATLAB yline - MathWorks 中国 分子图 subplot h1 = figure(1); set(h1,'pos',[200 200 1200 350]); box off; subplot(131) p11 = plot(Time1,GRF_FL_1,'c-','LineWidth',1); hold on; p12 = plot(Time1,GRF_FR_1,'b--','LineWidth',1); p13 = plot(...
(gcf,'Name','abc','NumberTitle','off'); %设置figure的名称 f1.MenuBar = 'none'; % 关闭菜单栏 p1 = plot(t,a,'-o','MarkerIndices',1:4:length(a)); % 绘点线图,并设置显示1/4数量的点,根据采样点数量修改 p1.LineWidth = 1.5; % 设置线宽 p1.Color = color(1,:); % 设置自定义...
% 定义 x 变量 , % 从 0 开始 , 每次递增 0.1 , 到 2 * pi 结束 % 坐标系中 x 点的个...
最后一句画图有问题,请修改为 plot(xi,y0,'o',xi,y1,xi,y2,'-');或者以点表示修改为plot(xi,y0,'o',xi,y1,xi,y2,'-.');效果看截图
0.1:10;y1=1./(coef(1)+coef(2)*x1.^coef(3));set(gca,'fontsize',15)plot(xdata,10000*ydata,'or','Markersize',8,'linewidth',2)hold on plot(x1,y1,'-k','linewidth',2)xlabel('x')ylabel('y')legend('data','fit')coef 结果中coef是的三个值是依次是a,b,c的值。
How can I remove NaN values from a matrix? Brandon WalkerinMATLAB Answerson 18 February 2015 My code so far is below. I have the code so that it skips the first 19 lines and starts at line 20. However, I need to remove the NaN values that are in my data like Columns = [10;0.04...