Max submitted Solution 12315106 to Problem 171. Reverse the Words (not letters) of a String on 26 Oct 2023Max submitted Solution 12315046 to Problem 394. Convert String to Morse Code on 26 Oct 2023Max submitted Solution 12314761 to Problem 495. Formatting currency numbers on 26 Oct 2023...
isletterArray elements that are alphabetic letters isspaceArray elements that are space characters isstrpropDetermine whether string is of specified category sscanfRead formatted data from string strfindFind one string within another strrepFind and replace substring ...
y = string([y x(i)]) end y=join(y,delimiter) y=erase(y,'0') y=regexprep(y,'1',' ') %%TEST 1+2 for i=1:a*b y = string([y x(i)]) y=join(y) end y=erase(y,' ' ) View Full Post condition onlyletters cody beginner 6 0 Mayla Last activity on 13 Sep 2023 ...
柳霞 submitted Solution 14513666 to Problem 171. Reverse the Words (not letters) of a String on 2 Jan 2025柳霞 submitted Solution 14513664 to Problem 45162. Double all elements in the array on 2 Jan 2025柳霞 submitted Solution 14513663 to Problem 82. Remove the small words from a list ...
Note the 2 spaces between “main” and “event” Only the four letters in the word “main” were deleted. 代码 function s2 = remAin(s1) ain_index=strfind(s1,'ain'); del_index=[]; for i=1:length(ain_index) if ain_index(i)+2==length(s1) %整个字符串以ain结尾的情况 del_index=...
Remove the small words from a list of words. Your job is to tidy up a list of words that appear in a string. The words are separated by one or more spaces. Remove all words that are one or two letters long and make sure that exactly one space separates all the words. Strings will...
- Non-empty character vector or string scalar - Can only be some combination of the letters 'x', 'y', and 'z' - Specifies which axis, or axes, the scale factor argument is applied to 'XOffset', 'YOffset', 'ZOffset' (=[]) <1xM or Mx1 float vector, or MxN float matrix> -...
Remove the small words from a list of words. Your job is to tidy up a list of words that appear in a string. The words are separated by one or more spaces. Remove all words that are one or two letters long and make sure that exactly one space separates all the words. Strings will...
Remove the small words from a list of words. Your job is to tidy up a list of words that appear in a string. The words are separated by one or more spaces. Remove all words that are one or two letters long and make sure that exactly one space separates all the words. Strings will...
Remove the small words from a list of words. Your job is to tidy up a list of words that appear in a string. The words are separated by one or more spaces. Remove all words that are one or two letters long and make sure that exactly one space separates all the words. Strings will...