xyv = matlab.internal.math.mergesimpts([y, x, real(v), imag(v)], ...%之后是虚数部分,他将实部和虚部分开求,我没看 [myepsy, myepsx, Inf, Inf], 'average'); x = xyv(:,2); y = xyv(:,1); % re-combine the real and imaginary parts v = xyv(:,3) + 1i*xyv(:,4);...
Complex numbers have both real and imaginary parts, where the imaginary unit is the square root of –1. sqrt(-1) ans = 0.0000 + 1.0000i To represent the imaginary part of complex numbers, use eitheriorj. c = [3+4i, 4+3j; -i, 10j] c = 3.0000 + 4.0000i 4.0000 + 3.0000i 0.0000...
Additionally, the 'grid' option can create contours of the real and imaginary parts of the complex data. See the help text for details and usage examples. The following references have more information about visualizing complex-valued functions using domain coloring, including example images: http:...
1. When you try to take the real part and then raise it to the power of 1/4, it might not work as expected due to the complex nature of the expression. 2. The error in the for loop is likely due to the way you are trying to index and assign values to 'u'. Since ...
fprintf('Global erroe(imaginary part): %10.4e\n',Ge2) %% Comparision of numerical and analytical solutions by figures figure(1) plot(k,real(Exact),'bo--',k,real(Pe),'r*'); legend('Exact','BM-SBM'); xlabel('k'); ylabel('\partial\it{p}/\partial\it{k} (real part)'); ...
(R2018a), MATLAB used aseparatestorage representation. The real and the imaginary parts of the numbers were stored separately. MATLAB uses aninterleavedstorage representation for C and Fortran language MEX files, where the real and imaginary parts are stored together.Interleaved complexrefers to this...
plot(x,real(y),'b');hold on plot(x,imag(y),'r');hold off 也可以画出函数的实部-虚部图:x=-1:0.01:1;y=1.6*cos(2*pi*x)+i*0.4*sin(2*pi*x);plot(y,'b')用polar函数的话可以画出函数的极坐标图。参考资料:http://www.ilovematlab.cn/thread-101480-1-1.html ...
rhartley - Hartley transform of real data实数的离散哈脱莱变换 zoomfft - calculate the fft over a portion of the spectrum with any resolution任意分辨率的频谱傅里叶计算变换 sphrharm - calculate forward and inverse shperical harmonic transformations正向和反向球面谐波计算变换 ...
% Plot the amplitude of the real and imaginary parts of the example frames % against the sample number plotTimeDomain(rxTest,rxTestLabel,modulationTypes,fs) % Plot a spectrogram of the example frames plotSpectrogram(rxTest,rxTestLabel,modulationTypes,fs,sps) ...
ceil(X) function in MATLAB also helps us in rounding off the complex numbers. For complex value X, the real and imaginary parts are independently rounded off. Examples to Implement Ceil Matlab Let us now understand the use of above-mentioned functions clearly with the help of a few examples...