首先,你需要知道要读取的Excel文件所在的目录以及这些文件的名称。可以使用uigetdir函数让用户选择目录,然后使用ls或dir函数列出该目录下的所有Excel文件。 使用MATLAB的xlsread或readtable函数读取每个Excel文件: xlsread函数用于读取Excel文件中的数据,并将其存储为数值矩阵或单元数组。readtable函数则读取数据并存储为表格...
[num, txt, raw, X] = xlsread(filename, sheet, range)filename, sheet, range 文件名,sheet名、范围 num, txt, raw, X 输出 Examples Example 1— Reading Numeric Data The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file testdata1.xls contains this data:1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 To read this...
excel数据写入函数: [status, message] =xlswrite(filename, M, sheet, range) filename, M, sheet, range 文件名,数据、sheet名、范围 Examples Example 1— Reading Numeric Data The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file testdata1.xls contains this data: 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 To read this data ...
Example 1— Reading Numeric Data The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file testdata1.xls contains this data: 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 To read this data into MATLAB, use this command: A = xlsread('testdata1.xls') A = 1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 Example 2 — Handling Text Data...
https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/import_export/reading-arbitrary-format-text-files-with-textscan.html Note that you can easily call TEXTSCAN in a while loop together with FGETL, FSCANF, etc., checking for the end using FEOF: fid = fopen(..); ...
Reading Microsoft word & Excel files. Learn more about matlab, matrix, image processing, word file, binary, excel MATLAB
2、Excel File Reading:xlsread() (1)Read from Excel spreadsheet(从Excel电子表格读取) 示例代码: Score = xlsread('04Score.xlsx') Score = xlsread('04Score.xlsx','B2:D4') 输出结果: 3、Excel File Writing:xlswrite() (1)Calculate the means and write into Excel spreadsheet(计算平均值并写入Ex...
Make a loop that looks for a empty cell along a row and you will get how many columns you have.
비디오 및 웨비나 From the series:Reading Excel Data into MATLAB with a GUI (Originally postedon Doug's MATLAB Video Tutorials blog.) Once this was done, it was time to turn that script into a function so that it could be reused easily. ...
From the series: Reading Excel Data into MATLAB with a GUI Last month we covered a lot of ground in making a GUI that would read and display Excel data. Since those videos were originally posted, I have gotten quite a few requests to expand the GUI to do some analysis. This video ...