T=readtable("complex.txt") complex_data=T.Var2 % Excel 文件 T=readtable("test.xlsx","VariableNamingRule","preserve") % 第一个 Sheet,也可指定名称T=readtable("test.xlsx",'Sheet',1,"VariableNamingRule","preserve") % 写文件% 新建一个 tablenames=T.Properties.VariableNames project_name=T...
在'\MATLAB_Course\Data\table_CMA_DATA\'里,本文提供了2022年4月10日–4月15日珠三角部分国家级气象站点的气象观测数据,DATA_CMA_CHN_MUL_HOR.txt。这些气象站点的经纬度信息也分别保存在Location_Station.txt和Location_Station.xlsx里。 接下来,我们使用readtable函数读取DATA_CMA_CHN_MUL_HOR.txt: data_txt...
Read Data in KeyValueDatastore Create a datastore from the sample file,mapredout.mat, which is the output file of themapreducefunction. ds = datastore('mapredout.mat'); Read a subset of data in the datastore. T = read(ds) T=1×2 tableKey Value ___ ___ {'AA'} {[14930]} Chan...
csvwrite('D:\matlab.txt',I_matlab); % write the data into a text file sub_MATLAB= csvread('D:\matlab.txt',100,100);% read in part of the data sub_MATLAB= uint8(sub_matlab); % convert the data to uint8 figure,imshow(sub_matlab,'InitialMagnification',100); % show the new imag...
moddata = read(m,'inputs',2,10) moddata = 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 Read Input Registers over Modbus If the read target is input registers, the function reads the values from 1–125 contiguous input registers in the remote server, starting at the specified address. An input register ...
1、文件的打开与关闭 1)打开文件 在读写文件之前,必须先用fopen函数打开或创建文件,并指定对该...
m_=xlsread(file_name,'data','B2:F6') %读出数据到Matlab 1. 2. 3. 4. csv文件 txt文件/mat文件 load a.txt load a.mat save 图像文件 im = imreadfilename) %读取图片数据v imwrite(im,filename,fmt) %写入图片数据到硬盘 1. 2.
CSVREAD用来读分隔符是逗号的文件,是DLMREAD的特殊情况。当读空格和Tab分隔的电子数据表文件时,DLMREAD特别有用。以sample_file.txt为例:CODE:Example 1: Usin 15、g DLMREAD to read in a file with headers, text, and numeric data% This reads in the file sample_file2.txt and creates a matrix, D,...
24、p' 12 98; 13 99; 14 97;s = xlswrite('tempdata.xls', d, 'Temperatures', 'E1')运行结果:textdata.xlstempdata.xls(Temperatures)最后看一个综合的实例。例12 读取数据、处理日期数据,根据日期绘制开盘价变化趋势图形。ExpData.xlsx文件如下:代码:num,txt = xlsread('ExpData.xlsx'); % 读取excel...