data = readtable('data.csv', 'ReadRowNames', true); 其他用法: 1. readtable函数可以读取文本文件中的表格数据,其中各列之间使用空格或制表符分隔。 data = readtable('data.txt', 'Delimiter', ' '); 2. 如果读取的表格数据具有日期和时间列,可以使用'VariableTypes'参数来指定这些列的数据类型。 3....
T = readtable("test.xlsx", "VariableNamingRule", "preserve") % 第一个 Sheet,也可指定名称 T = readtable("test.xlsx", 'Sheet', 1, "VariableNamingRule", "preserve") % 写文件 % 新建一个 table names = T.Properties.VariableNames project_name = T.("工程名称"); bid_max = T.("最高...] Access VariableOptions sub-properties using setvaropts/getvaropts VariableNamingRule: 'modify' Location Properties: DataLines: [2 Inf] VariableNamesLine: 1 RowNamesColumn: 0 VariableUnitsLine: 0 VariableDescriptionsLine: 0 To display a preview of the table, use ...
false位置 属性:DataLines: [2 Inf]VariableNamesLine: 1RowNamesColumn: 0VariableUnitsLine: 0VariableDescriptionsLine: 0要显示该表的预览,请使用 previewT4 =2×1 tableAlice___14 __EOF__
T = table('VariableNames',varNames,'Size',sz,'VariableTypes',varTypes); % 定义表格 % 向表格插入数据 T_Reduction(TNum,:) ={Month(M),TargetPollution{TP},length(caseNumSelect),ME_Redction,MNE_Reduction,MaxNE_Reduction,MFE_Reduction,MaxMFE_Reduction,R2_Reduction}; 保存表格到指定文件中: 1 ...
>> T.Properties.RowNames = T.LastName; >> T.LastName = []; >> size(T) % 查看当前表T的尺寸 ans = 100 9 表T中包含了100行和9个变量。行名和变量名都不属于表的尺寸范畴。显示表的前五行和后4列来对此进行验证: >> T(1:5,6:9) ...
通过‘readtable’命令读取excel表格数据: data = readtable('D:\底栖动物\2014_底栖动物.xlsx', ... 'VariableNamingRule','preserve'); B = data.("监测站位"); C = data.("个体数"); 2.统计各站位个体总数 利用‘unique’函数提取监测站位数据B中的非重复项ia,以及所有监测站位类别标签ic: ...
T = table('VariableNames',varNames,'Size',sz,'VariableTypes',varTypes); % 定义表格 % 向表格插⼊数据 T_Reduction(TNum,:) ={Month(M),TargetPollution{TP},length(caseNumSelect),ME_Redction,MNE_Reduction,MaxNE_Reduction,MFE_Reduction,MaxMFE_Reduction,R2_Reduction};保存表格到指定⽂件中...
Set 'VariableNamingRule' to 'preserve' to use the original column headers as table variable names. As you can see, this code runs without error on R2023a. What does the line below return on your machine? clc,strrep(which('readtable','-all'),matlabroot,'') ...
My best guess is that there's something installed on the path that conflicts with a function//variable that readtable is using internally. I am basing that on the fact that this doesn't seem to be happening with every user. One way to test this, is to make sure you're using only th...