disp('读入excel') tic; disp(c{ii})%输出文件名 T =(c{ii}); % 按单元格读取excel [A,B]=xlsread([c{ii}],1); %A提取数据,B提取字符 toc; disp('数据集检验') tic;% 开始计时 %数据集检验 [raw,col] = find(A == 65535);%返回异常值所在的列,异常值在每一个电脑上显示形式不一样可...
1%Load the file to the matrix, M :2M = load('sample_file.txt')34% Add5to M :5M = M +567% Save M to a .mat file called'sample_file_plus5.mat':8save sample_file_plus5 M910% Save M to an ASCII .txt file called'sample_file_plus5.txt':11save sample_file_plus5.txt M -a...
% Load the file to the matrix, M :M = load('sample_file.txt')& i; M; G5 Q8 }2 ?%...
matlab读取excel,txt文件函数 注意matlab不识别中文,读写的文件中最好不含有中文 excel读取函数xlsread text读取函数csvread XLSREAD Get data and text from a spreadsheet in an Excel workbook. [NUMERIC,TXT,RAW]=XLSREAD(FILE) reads the data specified in the Excel file, FILE. The numeric cells in FIL...
CSVREAD用来读分隔符是逗号的文件,是DLMREAD的特殊情况。当读空格和Tab分隔的电子数据表文件时,DLMREAD特别有用。以'sample_file.txt'为例: CODE: Example 1: Using DLMREAD to read in a file with headers, text, and numeric data % This reads in the file 'sample_file2.txt' and creates a matrix,...
10、TXT,RAW=XLSREAD(FILE,SHEET,RANGE) reads the data specified in RANGE from the worksheet SHEET, in the Excel file specified in FILE. It is possible to select the range of data interactively (see Examples below). Please note that the full functiona 11、lity of XLSREAD depends on the ...
Read excel file where format and extension do... Learn more about importing excel data, excel MATLAB
matlab与excel xlsread、xlswrite实用方法 from:http://apps.hi.baidu.com/share/detail/20827715 excel数据读取函数: [num, txt, raw, X] = xlsread(filename, sheet, range) filename, sheet, range 文件名,sheet名、范围 num, txt, raw, X 输出 excel数据写入函数: [status, message] =xlswrite(file...
matlab读取excel,txt文件函数 注意matlab不识别中文,读写的文件中最好不含有中文 excel读取函数xlsread text读取函数csvread XLSREAD Get data and text from a spreadsheet in an Excel workbook. [NUMERIC,TXT,RAW]=XLSREAD(FILE) reads the data specified in the Excel file, FILE. The numeric cells in FIL...
filename, M, sheet, range ⽂件名,数据、sheet名、范围 Examples Example 1— Reading Numeric Data The Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file testdata1.xls contains this data:1 6 2 7 3 8 4 9 5 10 To read this data into MATLAB, use this command:A = xlsread('testdata1.xls'...