Example 1:Using TEXTREAD to read in an entire file into a cell array % This command readsinthe file fft.m into the cell array, file file = textread('fft.m','%s','delimiter','\n','whitespace',''); CODE: Example 2:Using STRREAD to read the words in a line % This command uses ...
Example 1: Using TEXTREAD to read in an entire file into a cell array % This command reads in the file fft.m into the cell array, file file = textread('fft.m','%s','delimiter','\n','whitespace',''); CODE: Example 2: Using STRREAD to read the words in a line % This command...
Example 1: Using TEXTREAD to read in an entire file into a cell array % This command reads in the file fft.m into the cell array, file file = textread('fft.m','%s','delimiter','\n','whitespace',''); CODE: Example 2: Using STRREAD to read the words in a line % This command...
Example 1: Using TEXTREAD to read in an entire file into a cell array % This command reads in the file fft.m into the cell array, file file = textread('fft.m','%s','delimiter','\n','whitespace',''); CODE: Example 2: Using STRREAD to read the words in a line % This command...
举个例子,如果你有一个包含数值和字母的文本文件(text file)想导入MATLAB,你可以调用一些low level routines自己写一个函数,或者是简单的用TEXTREAD函数。 使用high level routines的关键是:文件必须是相似的(homogeneous),换句话说,文件必须有一致的格式。下面的段落描述一些high level file I/O routines并给出一些例...
Example: Using IMPORTDATA to read in a file with headers, text, and numeric data CODE: % This reads in the file 'sample_file2.txt' and creates a % structure D that contains both data and text data. % Note the IMPORTDATA command specifies a white space ...
Example:Using IMPORTDATA to read in a file with headers, text, and numeric data % This reads in the file 'sample_file2.txt' and creates a % structure D that contains both data and text data. % Note the IMPORTDATA command specifies a white...
例子:CODE:Example 1: Using TEXTREAD to read in an entire file into a cell array% This command reads in the file fft.m into the cell array, file file = textread('fft.m','%s','delimiter','n','whitespace',''); CODE:Ex 12、ample 2: Using STRREAD to read the words in a line% ...
Size is optional, decided the A data matrix arrangement, it can take the following values: N (read N elements to a column vector (INF), read the entire file), [M, N] (M * N matrix to read data in the data stored by column). 2) write text files The fprintf function can write ...