1:将csv⽂件在MATLAB中导⼊为向量 要⽤到MATLAB中的csvread()函数,官⽅⽂档如下:M = csvread(filename)M = csvread(filename,R1,C1)M = csvread(filename,R1,C1,[R1 C1 R2 C2])Description (1)M = csvread(filename) reads a comma-separated value (CSV) formatted file into array...
1%Load the file to the matrix, M :2M = load('sample_file.txt')34% Add5to M :5M = M +567% Save M to a .mat file called'sample_file_plus5.mat':8save sample_file_plus5 M910% Save M to an ASCII .txt file called'sample_file_plus5.txt':11save sample_file_plus5.txt M -a...
Example 1: Using DLMREAD to read in a file with headers, text, and numeric data % This reads in the file 'sample_file2.txt' and creates a matrix, D, % with the numeric data this command specifies a white space as the % delimiter of the file D = dlmread('sample_file.txt','') ...
1:将csv文件在MATLAB中导入为向量 要用到MATLAB中的csvread()函数,官方文档如下: M=csvread(filename) M=csvread(filename,R1,C1) M=csvread(filename,R1,C1,[R1C1R2C2]) Description (1)M=csvread(filename)readsacomma-separatedvalue(CSV)formattedfileintoarrayM. Thefilemustcontainonlynumericvalues....
end例:2001年A题 :血管的三维重建;五、数据导出 save filename varlist 文件格式为mat,只能用load filename 导入 dlmwrite(filename,m):writes matrix m into filename using the “,” as the delimiter. 可用dlmread(filename) 或csvread(filename) 读取 csvwrite(filename,m) writes matrix m into ...
The "csvread" function reads complex numbers as part of the data matrix, but separating the real and imaginary parts of the number with a space will cause MATLAB to read them as two values. Empty column values at the end of a file will be imported as zeros in the MATLAB matrix variable...
I tried also readtable (file is a .csv) X= readtable(file); X2=X.Variables; X3=X2(1:end-1,3:end) %bad data in last row, 2 first colums are %d and %date wich i dont want t see str1=X3{1,1} %check 1 element, ok ...
CSVREAD用来读分隔符是逗号的文件,是DLMREAD的特殊情况。当读空格和Tab分隔的电子数据表文件时,DLMREAD特别有用。以'sample_file.txt'为例: Example 1: Using DLMREAD to read in a file with headers, text, and numeric data % This reads in the file '...
% Combine data into a matrix if needed dataMatrix = cell2mat(data); disp(dataMatrix); 4. Using csvread (Deprecated) While csvread has been replaced by readmatrix, you can still use it by specifying the row and column offset. For example: ThemeCopy % Define the file path filePath = 'C...
CSV文件是一种常见的数据存储格式,可以通过readtable函数方便地读取。以下是读取CSV文件的示例: % 读取CSV文件dataTable=readtable('data.csv');% 显示前几行数据disp(head(dataTable)); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1.3 读取Excel文件 对于Excel文件,我们可以使用readtable函数。以下是一个读取Excel文件的示例: ...