Generates a random n x n orthogonal real matrix. M = RANDORTHMAT(n,tol) Explicitly specifies a thresh value that measures linear dependence of a newly formed column with the existing columns. Defaults to 1e-6. The generated matrix distribution is now (as of Sept 06) uniform over the ...
geornd-Geometric random numbers. gevrnd-Generalized extremevaluerandom numbers. gprnd-Generalized Pareto inverse random numbers. hygernd-Hypergeometric random numbers. iwishrnd-Inverse Wishart random matrix. johnsrnd-Random numbersfromthe Johnsonsystemofdistributions. lognrnd-Lognormal random numbers. mhsample-...
rand('twister',0); randn('state',0); m = 50; n = 128; k = 14;% No. of rows (m), columns (n), and nonzeros (k) [A,Rtmp] = qr(randn(n,m),0);% Random encoding matrix with orthogonal rows A = A';% ... A is m-by-n p = randperm(n); p = p(1:k);% Locat...
iwishrnd - Inverse Wishart random matrix. lognrnd - Lognormal random numbers. mvnrnd - Multivariate normal random numbers. mvtrnd - Multivariate t random numbers. nbinrnd - Negative binomial random numbers. ncfrnd - Noncentral F random numbers. nctrnd - Noncentral t random numbers. ncx2rnd -...
(d) and write a comment that would explain a reason why arandom vector b belongs to the Col A.% For part (f), based on the input matrix A and the outputs, state to which vector space thevector b has to belong.**You will need to run some command in your Live Script to support...
gevrnd - Generalized extreme value random numbers. gprnd - Generalized Pareto inverse random numbers. hygernd - Hypergeometric random numbers. iwishrnd - Inverse Wishart random matrix. johnsrnd - Ra 19、ndom numbers from the Johnson system of distributions. lognrnd - Lognormal random numbers. ...
% T_Mat - combination of random matrix and sparse representation basis % m - size of the original signal % the sparsity is length(y)/4 cnt=length(y); x=y'; % x is row vector D=[T_Mat,-T_Mat]'; % each row of D is a atom ...
24、roximal support vector machine for solving machine learning problemsPsychophysics- visi on researchPyrTools-multi-scale image process ingRBF - radial basis function n eural n etworks RBN - simulation of synchronous and asynchronous random boolea n n etworksReBEL - sigma-point Kalman filtersRegre...
'random' 选取d在[0,1]区间上服从均匀分布的随机数 'Rsquared' 用一个尺度因子乘以diag(inv(corrcoef(x)))作为初始点(默认情况) 正整数 指定最大似然拟合的次数,每次拟合随机选择初始点,返回对数 似然函数取最大值时的拟合结果 矩阵 用一个d行多列的矩阵指定最大似然法的初始点,矩阵每一列对 应一个初始点...