升余弦函数(Raised Cosine)是一种在通信系统中广泛使用的脉冲成形滤波器。它的设计目标是减少码间干扰(ISI),从而改善信号传输的质量。升余弦函数具有平滑的过渡特性,可以减少高频分量的产生,从而有助于在有限带宽的信道中传输数据。 2. MATLAB中实现升余弦函数的方法或代码示例 在MATLAB中,虽然没有直接内置名为rcosine...
>> help rcosdesign rcosdesign - Raised cosine FIR pulse-shaping filter design This MATLAB function returns the coefficients b that correspond to a square-root raised cosine FIR filter with rolloff factor specified by beta. 语法 b = rcosdesign(beta,span,sps) b = rcosdesign(beta,span,sps,shap...
;grid on xlabel('Path index'),ylabel('Path gain'); title('Impulse response of multipath fading without the raised Cosine pulse'); figure stem(abs(h));grid on xlabel('Path index'),ylabel('Path gain'); title('Impulse response combining the multipath fading and the raised Cosine pulse');...
half_filter_len=7;%Half-LengthoftheRRC pulse_shape=root_raised_cosine(L,roll_off_factor,half_filter_len); else pulse_shape=ones(1,L); endpulse_len=length(pulse_shape); %--- %Head&tail %---%Addazerosignalfornoiseestimation init_len=500;%Addazerotail tail_len=2000;%Sinusoidat10kHzfor...
The frequency response of the pulse is given by the following equation: T TT (1-B) ; 03W T Hrdlejw) = T (1 - ) 7 *(1+B) V2 + cos 28 т T ; Otherwise This pulse shape is known as the square-root-raised cosine pulse. In the ab...
% root-raised cosine pulse shaped signal Y. X must be a column vector % of values in the set [0 15]. The root-raised cosine filter has a % roll-off factor of 0.35 and spans four symbols. The output signal % Y has unit power. persistent filterCoeffs if isempty(filterCoeffs) filter...
patterns: 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, and 16 cycles per degree visual angle (cpd). The temporal presentation of the test pattern varied between a pulse of 26.6 ms duration and a 1 s temporal raised cosine in two different experiments. The test stimuli were presented on a ...
PulseShapingUsingARaisedCosineFilter.zip_QAM filter_QPSK_RRC _qa QPSK/QAM using RRC pulse filter 上传者:weixin_42659252时间:2022-07-15 基于MATLAB与VC混合编程的数字均衡器设计 基于MATLAB与VC混合编程的数字均衡器设计 上传者:lenovoox时间:2010-02-24...
b)最佳基带系统的发送和接收滤波器用模块Raised Cosine Receive Filter和Raised Cosine Transmit Filter设计 课程设计论文要求: 1.设计内容概述 设计目的 设计题目涉及的理论知识 2.仿真程序或仿真模型 设计思想(流程图) 所用仿真工具简要介绍(函数,模块,可视化工具) 写出仿真程序(注意加注释)或画出仿真模型,列出函数或...
This example shows how to design lowpass FIR Nyquist filters. It also compares these filters with raised cosine and square root raised cosine filters. These filters are widely used in pulse-shaping for digital transmission systems. They also find application in interpolation/decimation and filter ...