); //向MAT文件中写入数据 matPutVariable(file, "variableString", pString); matPutVariable(file, "variableDoubleMatrix1", pArray1); matPutVariable(file, "variableDoubleMatrix2", pArray2); //关闭MAT文件 matClose(file); //释放内存空间 mxDestroyArray(pString); mxDestroyArray(pArray1); mx...
;// 向MAT文件中写入变量flag1=matPutVariable(file,"variableString",pString);flag2=matPutVariable(file,"variableDoubleMatrix1",pArray1);flag3=matPutVariable(file,"variableDoubleMatrix2",pArray2);if((flag1!=0)||(flag2!=0)||(flag3!=0)){printf("Can not write variable into the file ...
engEvalStringEvaluate expression in string engGetVariableCopy variable fromMATLABengine workspace engPutVariablePut variable intoMATLABengine workspace engGetVisibleDetermine visibility ofMATLABengine session engSetVisibleShow or hideMATLABengine session engOutputBufferSpecify buffer forMATLABoutput ...
engine.putVariable("myVar", 100); See Also Pass Variables from Java to MATLAB putVariableAsync Future<Void> putVariableAsync(String varName, T varData) Description Put a variable into the MATLAB base workspace asynchronously. Parameters String varName Name of a variable to create in the MATLAB...
60、ated in the previous example.similar = cell(size(mycell);Convert an array of java.lang.String objects into a MATLAB cell array. strArray = java_array(java.lang.String, 3);strArray(1) = java.lang.String(one);strArray(2) = java.lang.String(two);strArray(3) = java.lang.String...
Also, you can specify this parameter as an std::string. const matlab::data::Array var Value of the variable to create in the MATLAB workspace matlab::engine::WorkspaceType workspaceType = matlab::engine::WorkspaceType::BASE Put the variable in the MATLAB BASE or GLOBAL workspace. For more...
you want to create a variable to store information for each one. Below shows what I want to put in, but I want to automate it so that for example I only have to type in a a few lines of code to generate a hundred variable names and iteratively repeat the same commands (eg...
(session);// Create matlab data array factorymatlab::data::ArrayFactory factory;// Create data variablematlab::data::Array data = factory.createArray<double> ({1,5}, {4.0,11.0,4.7,36.2,72.3});// Put data variable in MATLAB global workspacematlabPtr->setVariable(u"data", data, Workspace...
我使用以下代码在控制台上显示“洋葱”,但它提供了以下输出:显示结果: System.Object[,] 所用的守则: object o = matlab.GetVariable("f", "base"); string s = o.ToString(); string ss=Convert.ToString(s); //matlab.GetFullMatrix("f", "base" 浏览1提问于2013-03-15得票数 0 1回答 如何防止...
engPutVariable(ep, "T", T); engEvalString(ep, LOCAL_MATLAB_DIR); if(engEvalString(ep, "D=fsolve(@myfun,T);") == 0) printf("engEvalString encounters a problem."); printf("\nRetrieving D...\n"); if ((result = engGetVariable(ep,"D")) == NULL) ...