以二维矩阵a为例。 1 matlab:matlab a=[1 -2 3;-4 5 0]; % 定义矩阵a disp(a); % 打印矩阵a 结果:2 python:python import numpy as np a = np.array([[1, -2, 3],[4, 5, 0]]) # 定义矩阵a print (a) # 打印矩阵a 结果:...
Educators Find project ideas, courseware, and tools to enhance your curriculum. See teaching resources Students Discover student competitions, training resources, and more for learning with MATLAB and Simulink. Explore student programs Select a Web Site ...
#Python的matrix转置 matrix = [[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]] def printmatrix(m): for ele in m: for i...in ele: print(“%2d” %i,end = ”“) print() #1、利用元祖的特性进行转置 def transformMatrix(m): #此处巧妙的先按照传递的元祖m的列数,生成了...r[i].append(...
fprintf('This Program Calculates the Modal Properties of a Structure \n \n')%该程序计算结构的模态特性 % Given Data: K=Stiffness Matrix,M-Mass Matrix给定质量矩阵和刚度矩阵 K=(57*10^6)*[2 -1 0 0 0;-1 2 -1 0 0;0 -1 2 -1 0;0 0 -1 2 -1;0 0 0 -1 1]; M=(1000)*[4...
If we consider an image file with name ‘image’ and format ‘tiff’, using the function imread, the image can be loaded as a 2D or 3D matrix, depending on the image type. Image visualisation is achieved using the function imshow; to produce a new figure, a call to imshow has to be...
Short, non-descriptive variable names are quite common in mathematical computing as the variable names in the corresponding (pen and paper) calculations are hardly ever longer then one character either (see table). To be able to distinguish between vector and matrix entities, it is common practice...
Therefore, Matlab is chosen here to illustrate the computer implementation of FEA modeling; readers are able to focus on the understanding of FEA procedure and principles rather than the programming of operations in linear matrix algebra. View chapterExplore book...
(nely+1)]); alldofs = [1:2*(nely+1)*(nelx+1)]; freedofs = setdiff(alldofs,fixeddofs); % SOLVING U(freedofs,:) = K(freedofs,freedofs) \ F(freedofs,:); U(fixeddofs,:)= 0; %%%%%%%%%% ELEMENT STIFFNESS MATRIX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% function...
假设大气光值 A 是已知的,估计初始透射率引入参数 ω 使复原后的图像保留一定的雾感避免出现失真,复原无雾图像 二、基于 MATLAB 的图像去雾系统 系统结构 图像去雾系统以 MATLAB R2018b 为平台,对可视化的图形用户界面 GUI 进行设计,通 过用户界面的菜单和控件实现相应功能的调用,便于功能演示,增加了软件交互...
NDOF,XYZ,LE);elseifMID>0,PLAST3D(MID,PROP,ETAN,UPDATE,LTAN,NE,NDOF,XYZ,LE);elseifMID<0,HYPER3D(PROP,UPDATE,LTAN,NE,NDOF,XYZ,LE);elsefprintf(NOUT,'\t\t *** Wrong material ID ***\n');return;end%% Print resultsif(ISTEP>=0),PROUT(NOUT,TIME,NUMNP,NE,NDOF);end%TIME=TIME...