Create a line plot with error bars at each data point. Vary the lengths of the error bars. x = 1:10:100; y = [20 30 45 40 60 65 80 75 95 90]; err = [5 8 2 9 3 3 8 3 9 3]; errorbar(x,y,err) Plot Horizontal Error Bars ...
errorbar( x, ym, yerr ); 貌似plot和errorbar没有产生所希望的overlay的效果,后面画的把前面的覆盖了。一个简单的trick就是让errorbar不画出errorbar,就是下面的代码 errorbar( x, yth, nan*zeros(size(yth)) ); hold on; errorbar( x, ym, yerr ); 同理,如果想只画出一半的errorbar的话,可以使...
% 自定义图表 title('Error Bar Example'); xlabel('X-axis Label'); ylabel('Y-axis Label'); legend('Data with Error Bars'); 保存或导出图表: 你可以使用saveas函数将绘制好的图表保存为图片文件。例如,保存为PNG格式: matlab % 保存图表为PNG文件 saveas(gcf, 'error_bar_plot.png'); 完整的...
errorbar 函数语法 : 代码语言:javascript 复制 errorbar(y,err)errorbar(x,y,err) errorbar(y,err) 与 plot(y) 绘制的曲线相同 , err 参数指的是对应点的误差范围大小 ; errorbar(x, y,err) 与 plot(x, y) 绘制的曲线相同 , err 参数指的是对应点的误差范围大小 ; 整个竖条 , 是有可能出现的误...
1、errorbar 函数 2、代码示例 一、Boxplot 箱线图 1、boxplot 函数 boxplot 函数文档 : stairs 函数语法 : boxplot(x) boxplot(x,g) 1. 2. ...
This is an example of how to create an errorbar plot in MATLAB®. Read about the "errorbar" function in the MATLAB documentation. For more examples, go to MATLAB Plot Gallery - Cite As ...
errorbar(x, y, errors,'o','DisplayName','Data with Error Bars'); xfit = linspace(min(x), max(x), 100); yfit = m*xfit + b; plot(xfit, yfit,'-r','DisplayName','Linear Fit');% Overlay the fit with a red line xlabel('X-axis label'); ...
% 'BestOutside' least unused space outside plot %% 设置完毕后,按照所需分辨率、格式输出 figW = figureWidth; figH = figureHeight; set(figureHandle,'PaperUnits',figureUnits); set(figureHandle,'PaperPosition',[0 0 figW figH]); fileout = 'demo_errorbar'; ...
For example, plot one line with error bars. Adjust the x-axis limits with the xlim function to prevent any overlap between the error bars and the plot box. y = 1:5; err = [0.3 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.3]; errorbar(y,err) xlim([0.9 5.1]) Optionally specify x as a vector of the same ...
avg_error = abs(mu - centers); avg_error_line = plot([mu mu], [0 max(n)], 'r--'); hold on; % Create a bar chart with error bars bar(centers, n); hold on; errorbar(centers, n, errors, 'k', 'LineStyle', 'none'); ...