1、plot(x, y); // 画图后用axis函数设置坐标轴的范围。2、axis([xmin xmax ymin ymax]); % 设置坐标轴在指定的区间。3、xmin、xmax 表示设置横坐标的最小最大值。4、ymin、ymax 表示设置纵坐标的最小最大值。
0.3 plot plot(x) % 横坐标为x的数据个数,纵坐标为x的折线图 plot(x,y) % 横坐标为x,纵坐标为y的折线图 plot(x,y,'LineWidth',2) % 横坐标为x,纵坐标为y,线宽为2的折线图 plot(x,y,"LineWidth",2,"LineStyle","--")) % 横坐标为x,纵坐标为y,线宽为2,线型为--的折线图 plot(x,y,"...
xlabel('x'); ylabel('y'); axis([-20,20,-20,15]); title('Two Hearts') legend('U','I') 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 曲线图 plot: plot(x,y); plot(x,y,s), plot(x1,y1,s1,x2,y2,s2,…) bblue·point-solid ggreenocircle:dotted rredxx-mark-.dashdot ccyan...
[AX,H1,H2] = plotyy(___) returns handles to the two axes created in AX, and a handle to the graphics object for each plot in H1 and H2. AX(1) is the left axes and AX(2) is the right axes. 4、polarplot——极坐标中绘制线条 polarplot - draw lines in polar coordinates polarpl...
I am struggling to plot my data on Two y-Axis. Can you someone please help me out. U wind velocity component for each location and altitude is store in the variable Uw (lon,lat,P) and the V wind velocity component is stored in the variable Vw(lon,lat,P_range). My desire is ...
[AX,H1,H2] = plotyy(x,y1,x,y2,'plot'); set(AX(1),'XColor','k','YColor','b'); set(AX(2),'XColor','k','YColor','r'); HH1=get(AX(1),'Ylabel'); set(HH1,'String','Left Y-axis'); set(HH1,'color','b'); HH2=get(AX(2),'Ylabel'); set(HH2,'String','R...
(x,y1,x,y2,plot); set(AX(1),XColor,k,YColor,b); set(AX(2),XColor,k,YColor,r); HH1=get(AX(1),Ylabel); set(HH1,String,Left Y-axis); set(HH1,color,b); HH2=get(AX(2),Ylabel); set(HH2,String,Right Y-axis); set(HH2,color,r); set(H1,LineStyle,-); set(H1,...
I would like to get line plot with to y-axis left regions name, to right values. While x-axis there are years. t = readtable('Cartel1.xlsx') It's possible? for example, creating barth (stacked) but using lines 0 Comments Sign in to comment. ...
plot(x,y1,'k:',x,y2,'b--',x1,y3,'rp'); 复制 在该plot函数中包含了3组绘图参数,第一组用黑色虚线画出两条包络线,第二组用蓝色双划线画出曲线y,第三组用红色五角星离散标出数据点。 例: 设置正弦曲线的线宽为 3,设置上三角形进行数据点的标记,并设置标记 ...
subplot(2,2,4),plot(x,v),axis([02*pi -20 20]),title('sin(x)/cos(x)') 06三维图的各种样式 Matlab绘制三维图,最常用的是surf、mesh这两个函数及其衍生函数。 x=linspace(-2,2, 25); % 在x轴上取25点y=linspace(-2, 2, 25); % 在y轴上取25点[xx,yy]=meshgrid(x, y); % xx和...