posi = meanarray + disparray; nega = meanarray - disparray; %% Change NaN to Zero for Shaded Region function OutArray = NaN2zero(matrix) OutArray = matrix; OutArray(isnan(OutArray))=0; end y1 = NaN2zero(nega); y2 = NaN2zero(posi); %% Plot shaded area switch(orientation) case(...
I'm looking for a way to plot a shaded region around each of the lines I calculate from a distribution of points (see attached image). The region should have a fixed width (10 pixels above and below the plotted lines). Things are a bit more complicated than usual because the code is ...
将下面代码保存为shadedplot.m,并存放到工作目录,然后就可以直接调用shadedplot画出y1和y2之间的阴影区域function [ha hb hc] = shadedplot(x, y1, y2, varargin)% SHADEDPLOT draws two lines on a plot and shades the area between those% lines.%% SHADEDPLOT(x, y1, y2)% All of the arguments a...
% 创建基础图形 figure; plot(x, y, 'b-', 'LineWidth', 2); % 蓝色实线,线宽为2 hold on; % 保持当前图形,以便在其上添加更多内容 3. 添加阴影效果 根据图形类型和数据特点,选择合适的方法(如fill、area等)在基础图形上添加阴影。在这个例子中,我们将使用fill函数来填充阴影区域。 matlab % 添加阴影...
将下面代码保存为shadedplot.m,并存放到工作目录,然后就可以直接调用shadedplot画出y1和y2之间的阴影区域 function [ha hb hc] = shadedplot(x, y1, y2, varargin)% SHADEDPLOT draws two lines on a plot and shades the area between those% lines.%% SHADEDPLOT(x, y1, y2)% All of...
这一功能在线条图下添加轻微阴影效果(plot_shaded)。该函数也可用于创建视觉上吸引人的直方图图表(plot_histogram_shaded)。 带阴影分布绘图:对于可能具有多个样本并受到噪声/测量误差影响的线条图,通常有必要可视化误差的分布,例如,传统上可以使用带误差棒的线条图。这里提供的两个函数提供了将数据中的误差以带阴影...
%% Examplex=0:.01:4*pi;%xdatay=sin(x)+2;%ydata level =2;% level plot(x,y) hold on x_interest =0:.01:x(length(y)); y_interest =sin(x_interest)+2; xlim ([0x(length(y))]) % Shaded area above level area(x_interest, max(y_interest, level), level, ...'EdgeColor','no...
% 95% confidence interval(line+shaded area) are plotted. %% We stat by loading the sample data (structure created from the carbig% dataset)load example_data;%%% % Create a gramm object provide x (year of production) and y (fuel economy) data% color grouping data (number of cylinders)...
returns the probability, P, of the shaded area. % % [P,H] = NORMSPEC(...) returns a handle H to the line objects. % % Copyright 1993-2011 The MathWorks, Inc. %fill in default args if nargin<2 mu=0; end if nargin<3 sigma=1; end if nargin<4 region='inside'; end %test...
m_shadedrelief(X,Y,IM,'coords','map’) % 地形渲染 m_etopo2(OPTION) % 画地形图 m_ruler([.5 .8],.9,'tickdir','out','ticklen',[.007 .007]); % 添加距离比例尺 m_northarrow(-123-4.5/60,49+19.5/60,1/60,'type',4,'aspect',1.5); % 添加指北针 ...