The code for Surface is surf(), surf(X,Y,Z) creates a three-dimensional surface plot, which is a three-dimensional surface that has solid edge colors and solid face colors. The function plots the values in matrix Z as heights above a grid in the x-y plane defined by X and Y. The...
In MATLAB, plane grid data usually refers to regular or irregular point sets defined in two-dimensional space. These point sets can represent geometric shapes on the plane, z-axis distribution of physical fields, and data distribution, etc.(1)坐标矩阵(Coordinate Matrix)在MATLAB中,平面网格数据常常...
stem3(X,Y,Z) plots the items in Z as needle graphs that extend from the xy plane, where X and Y specify the needle chart location in the xy plane. The X, Y, and Z inputs must be vectors or matrices of the same size. stem3(___,"filled") 填充圆。可将此选项与上述语法中的任...
Note: Before using the function, create grid coordinates on the xy plane: [x,y]=meshgrid(x,y)Where meshgrid is a two-dimensional three-dimensional grid 2.绘制螺旋图 Draw a spiral graph t=0:pi/60:10*pi;x=sin(t);y=cos(t);plot3(x,y,t,'*-b');3.三维网格图 Three-dimensional gri...
using a slightly different function, and then reecalculate the
Use meshgrid to create arrays for the starting points for the stream tubes, which begin at the minimum x value, range from 20 to 50 in y, and lie in a single plane in z (corresponding to one of the slice planes). The stream tubes (streamtube) are drawn at the specified locations an...
Create a 3D Plot of Point or Line Using theplot3()Function in MATLAB We already know about theplot()function in MATLAB, which is used to plot data on a 2D plane. Theplot3()function is similar to theplot()function. The only difference is that theplot3()function plots data on a 3D...
plot3以及其它的三维图形函数都可以提供相同的能力。例如,增加维数的plot3命令可以使多个二维图形沿一个轴排列起来,而不是直接将二维图形叠到另一个的上面。» 4、; x=linspace(0,3*pi; % x-axis data» z1=sin(x; % plot in x-z plane» z2=sin(2*x;» z3=sin(3*x;» y1=zeros(...
3. CONTOUR3 (3D contour plots) contour3(Z):Z is a matrix and this function will create a 3-D contour plot which will have the isolines of matrix z will have the height details of x and y plane. Thex&ycoordinates in the plane are column and row indices of Z. Contour lines are ...
plot(z1,'r');grid on;title('Section plot of view([0 -90 0])');xlabel('pixel');ylabel('height (mm)');%translation to correct the plot to z=o plane. check3 = input ('Is translation to z=0 plane needed (y/n)?','s');if check3 == 'y' translate = input ('Enter the ...