直接上代码: %定义数据 x = 0:0.1:10; y1 = sin(x); y2 = cos(x); %绘制第一幅图 figure(1) plot(x,y1,'-k.') ax1= gca; %绘制第二幅图 figure(2) plot(x,y2,'-r.') ax2= gca; %两轴同步 linkaxes([ax1 ax2], 'xy' );编辑...
subplot(2, 2, 3); plot(x, y); axis equal subplot(2, 2, 4); plot(x, y); axis equal tight Grid, Box, Axis控制 网格,边界框,轴 保存Figures saveas(gcf, filename, formattype) print() vector更清晰,可以放大 高解析度的图像可以使用print。 2 进阶绘图 进阶2D绘图 color space 3D绘图 特...
There are two figures,Figure1andFigure2in the output, but there will only be one figure with one plot if we don’t use thefigurecommand. You can also give a title name to each figure using theNameproperty of thefigurecommand. We can also set other properties like the figure’s position...
yticks(-1:0.5:4); %y轴范围set(h,'LineWidth',4); %h表示绘制出来的图像 所以应该是h=plot() h为句柄 而不是f为句柄set(gca,'FontSize',15); %坐标轴字号大小set(g,'MarkerFaceColor','b'); %改变g函数face 的颜色 %set(g,'MarkerFaceColor','#0000ff') %自定义颜色 Multiple Figures 多图 ...
9.8 Multiple Figures 记得我们一开始讲过如何将两个函数画在同一张图上,当时用的方法是hold on/off,那么现在问题来了,如果我想画两个函数,在两张图上,应该怎么做呢?下面给出代码 图9-14 figure 其实只需要在每个plot函数前面,加上figure即可 9.9 subplot() ...
plot(x,y2) title('Cosine Wave') In this way, you can use thesubplotfunction to easily plot multiple figures on a single window inMATLAB. Conclusion Thesubplotis a useful function inMATLABthat allows you to plot multiple figures on a single window. Its syntax is pretty simple where you ha...
Multiple Figures Create a figure windows by calling figure 调用函数 创建图像 example: x=-10:0.1:10; y1=x.^2-8; y2=exp(x); figure, plot(x,y1); figure,plot(x,y2); 分别画出两个图像 be careful when using the gcf handle where there exists multiple figures 存在多个figure 注意 gcf函数...
给⼤家⼀个⾮常好⽤的matlab程序(⼀个figure中画多幅图,colormap如 何设置)function freezeColors(varargin)% freezeColors Lock colors of plot, enabling multiple colormaps per figure. (v2.3)% % Problem: There is only one colormap per figure. This function provides % an easy sol...
To plot multiple figures using figure(), you just need to define the number of the figure inside this function. For example, let’s plot two variables on two different figures. See the code below. t = 1:0.01:10; x1 = sin(2*pi*t); x2 = sin(2*pi*t - 10); figure(1) plot(...
It should be opening a new figure each time you call it because of the 2nd line: