线条宽度(Line Width):使用 'LineWidth' 参数可以设置线条的宽度。例如,plot(x, y, 'LineWidth', 2) 将绘制宽度为 2 的线条。 标记样式(Marker Style):如果数据点需要用标记表示,可以使用 'Marker' 和'MarkerSize' 参数来设置标记样式和大小。例如,plot(x, y, 'o', 'MarkerSize', 10) 将绘制带有大圆点...
plot(t,sin(t-pi),’:bs’,‘LineWidth’,5) plot(t,y,’-bs’,’LineWidth’,2,… %设置线的宽度为2‘MarkerEdgeColor’,’k’,… %设置标记点边缘颜色为黑色 及时和边角样式‘MarkerFaceColor’,’y’,… %设置标记点填充颜色为黄色‘MarkerSize’,10) %设置标记点的尺寸为10 四、图例、标题、坐标轴...
以下是一个简单的 MATLAB 代码示例,演示了如何设置 plot 函数的线宽: matlab % 定义数据 x = 0:0.1:10; y = sin(x); % 绘制图形并设置线宽 plot(x, y, 'LineWidth', 2); % 添加标题和标签 title('Sine Wave with Line Width Set to 2'); xlabel('X Axis'); ylabel('Y Axis'); 在这个示...
plot 方法/步骤 1 第一,启动MATLAB,新建脚本(Ctrl+N),输入如下代码:close all;clear all;clcx=0:pi/50:2*pi;y=sin(x);hline1=plot(x,y,'k','linewidth',3);hline2=line(x+0.05,y,'linewidth',4,'color',[.8,.8,.8]);set(gca,'...
Matlab画图设置线宽和字号(Matlab picture setting line width and font size)Matlab draw line width and size Since so many people have come here to read, I will do more notes, for your reference.The following code does not require special settings, but only after the plot statement is inserted...
Matlab画图设置线宽和字号(Matlab picture setting line width and font size) Matlab draw line width and size Since so many people have come here to read, I will do more notes, for your reference. The following code does not require special settings, but only after the plot statement is inserte...
1、首先打开Matlab ,点击选择图形编辑区域的添加图例按钮insert legend。2、然后在新的界面里自动跳出图例,该图例包含了图形内每一条数据线的表征,并且颜色相对应,点击选择修改图例边框的粗细,可以在图例上点击右键,弹出编辑选项,选择线宽line width,可以根据不同的磅值调整线宽。3、之后在新的界面里...
legend([p1 p2],{'Fit line','1:1 Line'},'FontName','Times New Roman','Location','southeast');%这里p1 p2分别代表两条不同的plot画出来的线 此处用到了对象 %输出图形 print('Figure1','-dpdf','-r300');%输出pdf到当前文件夹,简单线图用pdf或eps(-deps),AI打开编辑 ...