plot(Strain,Stress, 'gs'); xlabel Stress; ylabel Strain; hold on; P = polyfit(Stress,Strain,1); F = polyval(P,Strain); plot(Stress,Strain,'gs',Stress,F,'k--'); I am trying to produce a linear line of best fit for a given set of points (Stress and Strain values). Whe...
6、x,yn,'ro') hold on x2 = 0:0.01:1;yn2 = m2*x2+b2; plot(x2, yn2, 'g-') title(sprintf('Noisy data: y=%f*x+%f',m2,b2)2、平面拟合 matlab 代码x = rand(1,10); y = rand(1,10);z = (3-2*x-5*y)/4; % Equation of the plane containing% (x,y,z) points is ...
plot(x, y, 'o', 'MarkerSize', 8, 'LineWidth', 1); % 原始数据点 hold on; % 绘制拟合曲线 plot(x_fit, y_fit, 'r-', 'LineWidth', 1); % 拟合曲线 hold off; % 添加图例和标签 legend('原始数据', '拟合曲线', 'Location', 'best'); xlabel('X'); ylabel('Y'); title('最小二...
for i=1:length(aimFcn) rng(noRng) tic [bestY(i,:),bestX(i,:),recording(i)]=aimFcn{i}(x,y,option,data); tt(i)=toc; end %% 绘制迭代曲线 figure hold on for i=1:length(aimFcn) if i>1 plot((recording(i).bestFit),'LineWidth',2) else plot((recording(i).bestFit),'--',...
Before looping through the axes to add best fit lines and correlation values, calculate the correlation matrix of your predictors. This matrix is then used within the loop to annotate each subplot with the corresponding correlation coefficient.
(:,2),POS_fit(:,3),'or'); hold on;h_rep = plot3(REP.pos_fit(:,1),REP.pos_fit(:,2),REP.pos_fit(:,3),'ok'); hold on;tryset(gca,'xtick',REP.hypercube_limits(:,1)','ytick',REP.hypercube_limits(:,2)','ztick',REP.hypercube_limits(:,3)');axis([min(REP.hypercube...
18.3 3D line plots/ 3维线图 与在2维空间中绘制类似,指令 plot3 用于在3维空间中绘制曲线。如果x, y, z是尺度相同的三个向量,指令 plot3(x, y, z) 将创建一个分段线性曲线的透视图,其通过点的坐标由x, y和z给出。比如: t = .01: .01: 20*pi; x = cos(t); y = sin(t); z = t....
You use this plot to select the best-fit model. The horizontal axis is the total number of parameters —na+nb. The vertical axis, calledUnexplained output variance (in %), is the portion of the output not explained by the model—the ARX model prediction error for the number of parameters...
plot(cfit,FitLineSpec,x,y,DataLineSpec)specifies the color, marker symbol, and line style thatplotuses to plot the curve given incfit. plot(cfit,x,y,outliers)specifies the scatter plot data to treat as outliers, and plots them in a different color. ...
[bestindividual,bestfit]=best(pop,fitvalue); %求出群体中适应值最大的个体及其适应值y(i)=max(bestfit);n(i)=i;pop5=bestindividual;x(i)=decodechrom(pop5,1,chromlength)*10/1023;pop=newpop;endfplot('10*sin(5*x)+7*cos(4*x)',[0 10])hold onplot(x,y,'r*')hold off[z index]...