Create a 2-D line plot of the cosine curve. Change the line color to a shade of blue-green using an RGB color value. Add a title and axis labels to the graph using the title, xlabel, and ylabel functions. figure plot(x,y,'Color',[0,0.7,0.9]) title('2-D Line Plot') xlabel(...
(1) 三维线图(3D line graph) 绘制三维线图与绘制二维线图类似,但比二维图多一个垂直方向上的z轴,绘制时要多定义一个向量,使用的函数也由plot变成了plot3。 Drawing a 3D line graph is similar to drawing a 2D line graph, but it has one more z-axis in the vertical direction than the 2D graph,...
(1) plot()函数是用于绘制线图的函数,最简单的形式为plot(x,y),会将(x,y)看作坐标点绘制到图上。 (1) The plot() function is a function used to draw a line graph. The simplest form is plot(x,y), which will treat (x,y) as a coordinate point and draw it on the graph. 绘图时将x...
This example shows how to specify the line styles and line colors for a plot. Plot a sine wave with a green dashed line using'--g'. Plot a second sine wave with a red dotted line using':r'. The elements of the line specification strings can appear in any order. 元素可以无序出现。
一、数据可视化——plot函数 (1)plot指令的一般使用规范 plot(x,y):以x为横坐标,y为纵坐标,按照坐标(xj,yj)有序排列绘制图像 (2)plot(y):y为一维数组,以1:n为横坐标,yj为纵坐标,绘制图线,n为y的长度 (3)plot(z) 其中z为一维复数数组,实数代表横轴,虚数代表纵轴,在复平面上绘制(real(zj)),img(zj...
x =linspace(0,3); y = x.^2.*sin(x);plot(x,y); line([2,2],[0,2^2*sin(2)]); str ='$$ \int_{0}^{2} x^2\sin(x) \,{\rm d}x $$'; text(0.25,2.5,str,'Interpreter','latex'); annotation('arrow','X',[0.32,0.5],'Y',[0.6,0.4]); ...
plot(x,y,"graph_type") ``` 其中,x 和 y 表示需要绘制的 x 轴和 y 轴的数据,"graph_type"表示图形的类型,如"line"表示折线图,"scatter"表示散点图等。 三、graph 函数的参数及功能 graph 函数有许多参数可以用来定制图形,以下是一些常用的参数及其功能: - "graph_type":图形类型,如"line"、"scatter...
%% 2 plot line graph figure('name','Ocean_nino_Index(ONI)','color','w') figure_Y=Timeseries_table.TOTAL; plot(figure_Y) set(gca,'xtick',1:5*12:Timeseries_length,... 'xticklabel',start_year:5:end_year,'fontsize',15)%5 years=60 months ...
其 中属性选项同plot函数. 该函数只对横坐标进行对数变换,纵坐标仍为线性坐标. 2)semilogy( )---绘制以Y轴为对数坐标轴的对数坐标图. 其调用格式为:semilogy(x,y,'属性选项') 该 函数只对纵坐标进行对数变换,横坐标仍为线性坐标. 35 3)loglog( )--- 绘制X,Y轴均为对数坐标轴的图形. 其调用格式...