这一步通常不需要显式地编写代码,因为当你使用绘图函数时,MATLAB会自动创建一个绘图窗口。 使用MATLAB的绘图函数绘制圆形: 在MATLAB中,可以使用fplot、polarplot等函数来绘制圆形,但更常用的方法是使用fill函数配合theta和r参数来生成一个闭合的圆形路径,并填充颜色。 设置圆形的填充颜色: 在fill函数中,可以通过指定颜...
y = Radius(i) * sin(t) + Circles(i,2); patch(x, y,cmap(i,:), 'facealpha', alpha, 'edgecolor', 'none'); %// plot filled circle with transparency end axis equal; %// same aspect ratio in both axes grid on;
circle := plot::Circle3d(1, [0, 0, 0], normal_::To,a = 0..2*PI, Filled):plot(norma...
FILLEDCIRCLE Filled circle drawing filledCircle(CENTER,R,N,COLOR) draws a circle filled with COLOR that has CENTER as its center and R as its radius, by using N points on the periphery. Usage Examples, filledCircle([1,3],3,1000,'b'); filledCircle([2,4],2,1000,'r'); If you ...
functionscatter3sph(X,Y,Z,varargin)%SCATTER3SPH (X,Y,Z) Makes a 3d scatter plot with 3D spheres% SCATTER3SPH is like scatter3 only drawing spheres instead% of flat circles, at coordinates specified by vectors X, Y, Z. All three% vectors have to be of the same length.% SCATTER3SPH...
% po - plot options: % 0 - No plot % 1 - plots only colored data points (filtered) % 2 - plots colored data points and contours (filtered) % 3 - plots only colored data points (unfiltered) % 4 - plots colored data points and contours (unfiltered) ...
circleMesh = linspace(rMin,rMax,Ncircles); spokeMesh = linspace(thetaMin,thetaMax,Nspokes); contour = abs((circleMesh - circleMesh(1))/Rrange+R(1)/Rrange); % plot circles for kk=1:length(contour) plot(xGrid*contour(kk), yGrid*contour(kk),'k:'); end % radius tick label for ...
%scatter(x_pos(1:first_node_num),y_pos(1:first_node_num),'filled');toc % ⽅法三:构建function tic fig3=figure for j=1:length(r)x=x_2_pos(j);y=y_2_pos(j);r1=r(j);% function [] = plot1( x,y,r1 )theta=0:0.1:2*pi;Circle1=x+r1*cos(theta);Circle2=y+r1*sin(...
函数图像(plot()函数): 1...散点图(scatter()函数): scatter(X,Y) 简单来用给出X Y的值通过函数便能在该坐标上画出一个圆圈,例如 scatter(1,2) 如果将X Y替换成长度相同的数组(长度不同自然无法一一对应...(如果S是标量,则MATLAB绘制所有标记的大小相同。如果S是矢量,则分别对应为X、Y所确...
所以画一条线 hold on limX2 = get(h2, 'Xlim'); limY2 = get(h2, 'Ylim'); plot([limX...